She's been getting in trouble for a few years. On another board I was on, they kept talking about Lucy Lee,
The Crazy Asian. Somebody else here probably knows the facts better than I do, but she was sent to a CA prison on a felony conviction a couple of years ago (one of the guys on the other board had her real name and had written to her). I guess when she got out, she must have cracked up again and violated her probabtion, so they sent her back up the river. Depending on what this one is about, it might be her 3rd conviction. And if it's a felony, that might trigger the 3 Strikes... I dunno.
There's quite a few industry people here. I'd rather let someone in the know give the full facts, if they know them. Maybe they'll also tell what happened to cause her to get banned from the Ultimate Submission female wrestling too. I saw some clips of one of her matches. This really strong girl got Lucy wrapped up, finger banged her, got her by one of those big erect nipples and then Lucy quickly gave up (hot scene!). But I guess she must have gotten tired of having to get on her knees and give up that pussy & ass to a strapon after losing matches, so she apparently tried to
really fuck some girl up during a match. So she got banned... or so I read. Yeah, she's nuts alright.
I wouldn't want to spend the entire night with her crazy little ass. But she's freaky, kinky and wild, so I imagine she'd be
hella fun for a few hours. And if her pussy got sore, she'd swing that ass around in a flash. What a girl! Before she got that horrible boob job, I thought she was the bomb!