No act is gay. People are gay, or people are not. Any act can be any number of "things" depending on the preferences and motivations of those participating. Two gay men could get off on putting their cocks in one hole together, even a woman's. Two straight men could also get off on it. So there's your answer. There is no answer.
This, i think, is right on the money. I for one will admit to having done this, and admit it's a slight turnoff that your dick is in there with another guy's. Having said this, I would not stand for a girl to rub my dick against another guy's. If you're both in the hole at the same time it is one thing, but I wouldn't want any gratuitous touching, penile or otherwise between me and another man.
And as far as my :2 cents: I prefer one in the ass, one in the pussy to both being in either hole at the same time.
Furthermore, I will not "double-team" a girl with another guy unless I have known the guy previously. While I have had sex with girls I don't know. :condom: of course.
So call me gay, straight, "tendencies", whatever. I know I'm not attracted in the least to men, so I'm not gay.