TWITCH, do you hate it or love it

do you like, use, watch twitch?

  • i hate twich

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • i love twich

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • i hate twich and all the people who like it

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • pewdiepie is an overrated mother fucker

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • get a life twich users

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Never heard of Twitch until I bought a Xbox One.

Not sure I will use it but as a gamer I do watch YouTube for tips on gaming from time to time no more than a few minutes a month really so if Twitch is esentially the same thing than I guess I would check it out if need to.

As for pewdiepie I give the guy credit, hes making millions on what hes doing. His timing was perfect and his wack personality just brings in more subscribers, I would guess older kids to teens mostly. Still can't believe hes the most subscribed youtube channel. Kids :facepalm:

And yes, this should be in games section.
I hate it.

Downloading videos from there is awful. Watching streams is bad too. Navigation is terrible, one of the worst I've seen.
And the iPad app doesn't allow you to watch any videos. I mean, really? Do you imagine the youtube app not allowing you to watch youtube videos?

So I try to stay away from it but some people I enjoy twicth so I still try to see their videos.
I will never understand how all these people around the world are addicted to twitch?

my roommate will spend hour upon hours (sometimes three days straight) sitting in front of his computer on twitch

who wants to listen to people argue about video games for hours?

who wants to watch someone play video games on line for hours upon hours

come on people, there is more to life than computers and video games

what is the worst is when people pay to watch other people play video games

i just dont get it and i dont think anyone will ever be able to convince me otherwise

any thoughts on this topic

I play a lot of video games but I don't spend that kind of time with twitch. If I do watch it, one of the first things I do is turn off the chat window since its even worse than reading the youtube comments section.

I understand that people like to talk about games they play with other people, but Twitch chats with a lot of people in them aren't the place for a "meaningful" conversation. Its 90% people spamming emoticons or typing LOL which isn't vaguely interesting at all.

As for paying subscriptions to someone's twitch channel, I think its up to the individual whether they feel its worth the money or not. Is there a big difference to paying money to watch sports on your TV? Poker has really blown up over the past 20 years but requires considerably less skill and is a poorer viewing experience (in my opinion) than an entertaining personality playing a video game I'm interested in.
And to the OP, you should definitely open your minds.
There is a difference between saying that you're not into it and repeating over and over that's you can't understand it and that it's the worse. Seriously, be more tolerant.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Poker has really blown up over the past 20 years but requires considerably less skill and is a poorer viewing experience (in my opinion) than an entertaining personality playing a video game I'm interested in.

I'm not going to slam you on this but I'd like to point a few things out. Playing poker on a felt surface, facing actual people with real money from your pocket is something that can never be matched in a virtual world. Skills? Well, every combination of cards have set odds. 2 things happen when the next card drops, the odds change and you have to make decisions involving actual cash from your pocket. Very different from play chips or losing your kings or generals in a game. Hit reset and start over isn't an option on the felt. Winning a virtual game and gaining...whatever is not the same as cash in your pocket to take home.

Gamers can get emotional about their levels and such. God bless for the enjoyment they get from their experiences. I won't deny them that. But to suggest that playing live poker is any less exhilarating or skillful is being short sighted if you've never participated in it.


Closed Account
who wants to watch someone play video games on line for hours upon hours
come on people, there is more to life than computers and video games
what is the worst is when people pay to watch other people play video games

You know, replace the word 'video games' with 'porn' and the word 'Twitch' with 'FreeOnes' and you might find out that it's not so different: people watch it because they like it. And that's it.

I watch some Youtubers myself, who play on Twitch occasionally. It's a nice way to discover new games, to get some tricks... sometimes it's just fun to see someone derp around and to know I'm not the only one who sucks at games.
Yeah, "watching" is funny. I've done that couple times. I wonder how streams like that affect game sales? There should be another AGDQ 2015 event steam in early January. Thought I'd recommend ignoring twitch chat, quality of bullshit just cannot get any lower very easily...

Do you find it strange that person who wears diapers picks on people playing video games? I take it everyone enjoys some games less or more, thought I find talking about games commonly more a thing for kids. It's okay to play, but when some people cannot come with any other subjects at the age of 30, I start to feel like I'm in a wrong fucking place...

I'm not going to slam you on this but I'd like to point a few things out. Playing poker on a felt surface, facing actual people with real money from your pocket is something that can never be matched in a virtual world. Skills? Well, every combination of cards have set odds. 2 things happen when the next card drops, the odds change and you have to make decisions involving actual cash from your pocket. Very different from play chips or losing your kings or generals in a game. Hit reset and start over isn't an option on the felt. Winning a virtual game and gaining...whatever is not the same as cash in your pocket to take home.

Gamers can get emotional about their levels and such. God bless for the enjoyment they get from their experiences. I won't deny them that. But to suggest that playing live poker is any less exhilarating or skillful is being short sighted if you've never participated in it.

Oh, but you know when you invite a pretty girl in your place. You can play Super Mario Bros together, going 2 players 1 controller style. That intimate feeling when you can sit close right next to each other, touching that sweaty joypad together at the same time, steering that Ron Jeremy bro dude through legdes and those huge pipes, to the princess in a castle, who is being held captive by a huge bully...

That's all right if you cannot cook, you can just offer some lollipop and play a cooking game together. Cannot play max performance with an empty stomach. Have you tried these interactive Wii console games? These kind of things will make women go crazy, clothes will come off automatically and that's only a matter of time until she will fall right into your lap for you to grab...

I'm not going to slam you on this but I'd like to point a few things out. Playing poker on a felt surface, facing actual people with real money from your pocket is something that can never be matched in a virtual world. Skills? Well, every combination of cards have set odds. 2 things happen when the next card drops, the odds change and you have to make decisions involving actual cash from your pocket. Very different from play chips or losing your kings or generals in a game. Hit reset and start over isn't an option on the felt. Winning a virtual game and gaining...whatever is not the same as cash in your pocket to take home.

Gamers can get emotional about their levels and such. God bless for the enjoyment they get from their experiences. I won't deny them that. But to suggest that playing live poker is any less exhilarating or skillful is being short sighted if you've never participated in it.

Yeah I'm not dismissing Poker as something that doesn't require skill because it clearly does, playing in person with money on the line is a very interesting experience but one I understand as a participant rather than a viewer. I do stand by the idea that Poker isn't a game of skill on the level of many popular multiplayer games but that's irrelevant (yes I'm the one who brought it up!) since this thread is about people watching twitch and not about poker vs video games. People are free to enjoy whatever they like.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
wouldnt you rather go outside and interact with real people, not just people on twitch?

1. It's 14 goddamn degrees outside. Random people aren't fucking interesting enough that I'm going to try and start up a conversation with them in this weather.
2. I have a career, I coach two sports teams, and I am a club sponsor for after school activities where I teach. I have some close friends I reluctantly hang out with occasionally, an overly involved and close family, and I have a reasonably high maintenance girlfriend that I have to keep entertained at least a couple nights a week. If I want to spend some of my free time watching other people play video games who the fuck are you to tell me I shouldn't? However people decide to spend their free time isn't any of your goddamn business. As long as they aren't doing anything illegal, you shouldn't have any fucks to give about it.

I don't sit down in front of the computer and just watch. Usually while I'm gaming, I'll also watch someone else on Twitch. I always watch something while I'm gaming. Sometimes it's Netflix, sometimes it's Twitch. Nothing wrong with that.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Yeah I'm not dismissing Poker as something that doesn't require skill because it clearly does, playing in person with money on the line is a very interesting experience but one I understand as a participant rather than a viewer. I do stand by the idea that Poker isn't a game of skill on the level of many popular multiplayer games but that's irrelevant (yes I'm the one who brought it up!) since this thread is about people watching twitch and not about poker vs video games. People are free to enjoy whatever they like.

I don't play video games although Anonyne#17 makes a good case for getting one of those Wii things. So my perspective comes from there and please believe be that I am not belittling the gaming experience. Nor do I want to hijack this thread to a debate the skills. I do however need to make comparisons to understand what makes the Twitch experience.

To me a video game is moving through created worlds to do tasks. Your controller goes up/down, left/right, shoot, jump, select things to do. The same options that anyone with the same game can do. The skills are in knowing the functions and how you fast you can push the buttons (am I right so far?) To watch someone do this faster than you says that they have better skills? I guess so, but all they are doing is pushing the buttons faster. Is there an entertainment value in this?

Maybe the entertainment is in the cheat to look into deeper parts of the game. I can see that. Does that demand any special skills? My thought is no. You learned the cheat like go here and kill this guy and take his something in order to advance the game. The reason that I think poker is more entertaining and skillful is that gaming buttons always give the same results when pushed the same way. Poker is about assessing risks and making decisions. Your are forced to create individual skills and strategy. They need to change with each opponent and cards dealt. What will push a guy off a hand that you know is better than yours? If he never folds then don't try. With the best hand, how can you get the most money into the pot for you to take? Some people get scared off with large raises but will push more money in if the price is right. Those are all skills to learn and use in the right situations. Watching human beings doing this is drama.
I don't play video games although Anonyne#17 makes a good case for getting one of those Wii things. So my perspective comes from there and please believe be that I am not belittling the gaming experience. Nor do I want to hijack this thread to a debate the skills. I do however need to make comparisons to understand what makes the Twitch experience.

To me a video game is moving through created worlds to do tasks. Your controller goes up/down, left/right, shoot, jump, select things to do. The same options that anyone with the same game can do. The skills are in knowing the functions and how you fast you can push the buttons (am I right so far?) To watch someone do this faster than you says that they have better skills? I guess so, but all they are doing is pushing the buttons faster. Is there an entertainment value in this?

Maybe the entertainment is in the cheat to look into deeper parts of the game. I can see that. Does that demand any special skills? My thought is no. You learned the cheat like go here and kill this guy and take his something in order to advance the game. The reason that I think poker is more entertaining and skillful is that gaming buttons always give the same results when pushed the same way. Poker is about assessing risks and making decisions. Your are forced to create individual skills and strategy. They need to change with each opponent and cards dealt. What will push a guy off a hand that you know is better than yours? If he never folds then don't try. With the best hand, how can you get the most money into the pot for you to take? Some people get scared off with large raises but will push more money in if the price is right. Those are all skills to learn and use in the right situations. Watching human beings doing this is drama.

I think you're oversimplifying (sp?) video games, what you describe is the core controls of a game, however simply pressing buttons faster doesn't make someone necessarily better (although in some games this is certainly true). If you compare it to sport, would you describe a professional soccer player or golfer as someone who's only really good at what they do because they kick a ball or hit it further? Of course not although to a certain extent that idea does hold up. The skill is when it comes down to which buttons to press on the screen, when to press them and in what order and then you combine that with near perfect mouse control, excellent reaction time and split second decision making. Its essentially somewhat similar to chess but faster paced.

A lot of twitch streamers get popular because they are the best at what they do and because they have enough personality to make something familiar entertaining and can provide insight into a game that an average person wouldn't normally see. Of course some streamers are just there to entertain people to a similar level of reality TV and its not meant to be educational or anything.

You almost certainly have watched a lot more competitive poker than I have so you're in a far better position to judge its merits than someone like me who's watched it a few times on TV and played for pennies in school 10 years ago. Are the final 6 (I think it was 6 people) players in tournaments still fairly consistently the same?
To me a video game is moving through created worlds to do tasks. Your controller goes up/down, left/right, shoot, jump, select things to do. The same options that anyone with the same game can do. The skills are in knowing the functions and how you fast you can push the buttons (am I right so far?) To watch someone do this faster than you says that they have better skills? I guess so, but all they are doing is pushing the buttons faster. Is there an entertainment value in this?

Maybe the entertainment is in the cheat to look into deeper parts of the game. I can see that. Does that demand any special skills? My thought is no. You learned the cheat like go here and kill this guy and take his something in order to advance the game. The reason that I think poker is more entertaining and skillful is that gaming buttons always give the same results when pushed the same way. Poker is about assessing risks and making decisions. Your are forced to create individual skills and strategy. They need to change with each opponent and cards dealt. What will push a guy off a hand that you know is better than yours? If he never folds then don't try. With the best hand, how can you get the most money into the pot for you to take? Some people get scared off with large raises but will push more money in if the price is right. Those are all skills to learn and use in the right situations. Watching human beings doing this is drama.

Poker, skills? I thought that the only thing poker players were good at was bluffing that they'd actually be good at something. While in reality they are completely cluelessly crossing their fingers and hoping for the mother-luck to give them the best cards? Do you know that there is a huge connection between players who were good at certain video games and successing in poker afterwards?

Those fast-paced video games then again are on completely another level, requires quick thinking, bluffing your opponent like there is no tomorrow, mentally distract them by taking a lot of piss breaks, real time strategic thinking with many different factors changing all the time and completely changing the game mechanism to millions of different variations. Video games require quick reaction time, reflexes, real-time decision making, not forgetting those fancy and shiny graphics and big boobed female video game characters which make nerd boys head spin.

Whereas poker is limited to counting cards and trying to hold your tears when mother-luck gives you crappy cards and trying to bluff your opponents to think you had the best cards as you watch your money fly away. You'll just end up watching couple ugly dudes smoking smelly cigarettes and dropping aces from their sleeves trying to trick you out of your money.

Also women love men who are good with their hands. Take a look at those quick, agile, little magic fingers swirling around the joypads... women will go all crazy... Sloppy little butterfingered and hairy beer belly poker players stand no chances in that area...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Poker, skills? I thought that the only thing poker players were good at was bluffing that they'd actually be good at something. While in reality they are completely cluelessly crossing their fingers and hoping for the mother-luck to give them the best cards? Do you know that there is a huge connection between players who were good at certain video games and successing in poker afterwards?

Those fast-paced video games then again are on completely another level, requires quick thinking, bluffing your opponent like there is no tomorrow, mentally distract them by taking a lot of piss breaks, real time strategic thinking with many different factors changing all the time and completely changing the game mechanism to millions of different variations. Video games require quick reaction time, reflexes, real-time decision making, not forgetting those fancy and shiny graphics and big boobed female video game characters which make nerd boys head spin.

Whereas poker is limited to counting cards and trying to hold your tears when mother-luck gives you crappy cards and trying to bluff your opponents to think you had the best cards as you watch your money fly away. You'll just end up watching couple ugly dudes smoking smelly cigarettes and dropping aces from their sleeves trying to trick you out of your money.

Also women love men who are good with their hands. Take a look at those quick, agile, little magic fingers swirling around the joypads... women will go all crazy... Sloppy little butterfingered and hairy beer belly poker players stand no chances in that area...

Granted that the pace is faster. Maneuvering your fingers in certain sequences and remembering many things does take skill. However, these things can be practiced and honed before competition begins. This ties into risks and rewards. Honing your skills does not possess any risks. Reset. Start the game over. You can do this endlessly. Your game will still be there when you come back without cost. As many different places to go and things to collect your video games may have, there is always the same end, you beat the game. No place to further advance and you can do this endlessly against anyone.

Gamblers need to put in more than time. Success is measured in dollars and cents. What am I getting at?....The experience of gaming sitting on your specially designed chair in front of your monitor separated from other gamers sitting in their same chairs pushing buttons in virtual worlds can't compare to real life face to face eye to eye. You want a similar experience to gambling from your gaming? Put up your skills in a match where the loser has to buy the game again if they get killed. That's certainly going to put your strategy to a real life test. Gambling is a test of nerves. I don't see gaming as a possible comparison of skills when you have nothing to risk.


Closed Account
[...] Gamblers need to put in more than time. Success is measured in dollars and cents. What am I getting at?....The experience of gaming sitting on your specially designed chair in front of your monitor separated from other gamers sitting in their same chairs pushing buttons in virtual worlds can't compare to real life face to face eye to eye. You want a similar experience to gambling from your gaming? Put up your skills in a match where the loser has to buy the game again if they get killed. That's certainly going to put your strategy to a real life test. Gambling is a test of nerves. I don't see gaming as a possible comparison of skills when you have nothing to risk.

Sounds a little flawed. What you are saying is that a gamer has nothing to loose, and a gambler does. But the reason given is comparing apples with oranges. As a gamer you can compete in tournaments for big bucks too, while as a gambler you could simply play for example poker at the kitchen table and bet some matches. Both will need the skills, risks and nerves when they are playing for the big bucks. And the gamers risk loosing money too.