TV-Series from Your Childhood

Also, Huckelberry Hound,, Deputy Dawg,, Yogi Bear,, Emergency! Superman
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Hey Q, "on with the show, this is it" Is from Warner Bros. Bugs Bunny-roadrunner-Elmer Fudd, F*****g Hey, I wish those cartoons were still on the air!


Cartoons/Comedy Shows:

The Simpsons (of course, still watch it now)
Tom and Jerry (still watch it now a little)
Garfield & Friends
Scooby Doo
Full House
Teenage Mutant Hero (or Ninja) Turtles
Ghostbusters/The Real Ghostbusters
Fraggle Rock
Sesame Street
Muppet Babies
Rugrats (lol)
Danger Mouse
Mighty Mouse
Looney Tunes
Art Attack

Can't really put TV shows just yet, but I would say:

A-Team for now. :D :thumbsup:

Union Jax

Cartoons :

Jamie & the magic torch
ulysses 31
Battle of the planets
dogtanian & the 3 muskahounds
whacky races
the Mysterious citys of gold
pole position
The Centurions
Dungeons and Dragons (did the ever get home?)
Top cat
ivor the engine
Mr Benn
Kink Rolo
Kwicky Koala
spiderman and his amazing friends
Will O the Wisp

Others :

Number 73
Multi coloured swap shop
Saturday superstore
Grott bags


Here are the lyrics to Rainbow:

Up above the streets and houses,
rainbow climbing high,
Everyone can see it smiling over
the sky.
Paint the whole world with a

All along the streams and rivers,
shining in the lakes,
See the colours of the rainbow as
the morning breaks.
Paint the whole world with a

Red, the colour of a sunrise,
White clouds floating in a sky of
Green for the rivers,
Gold for the cornfields,
The day is shining new.

Red, the colour of a sunset,
Grey shadows creep across the
The sun is sinking, colours are
The fields are dark and still.

Take some green from a forest,
blue from the sea,
Find the misty pot of gold,
And mix them for a week.
Paint the whole world with a

Red, the colour of a sunrise,
White clouds floating in a sky of
Green for the rivers,
Gold for the cornfields,
The day is shining new.
Super Ted
Sesame Street
The Muppet Show
Art Attack (still watch it now :D )
Maid Marion & Her Merry Men
Baywatch (!!!)
Super Gran
Mr Majeka

There is one that I have forgotton the name of - It was a live action show with a cone shaped character who did magic, his best friend was a rabbit and had another that lived in a purple puddle of goo. There were also some people dressed up as playing cards in there somewhere and I think Paul Daniels (British TV magician) had something to do with it.

Aaaaargh! CAN'T REMEMBER!!!!
I always watched A-Team, Airwolf and Knight Rider. I remember I had the go-kart with a big cheesy picture of David Hasselhoff at the front! :rofl:
Happy Days
Thundarr The Barbarian
Land Of the Lost
Sanford and Son
The Bannana Splits
Battlestar Galactica
The A Team
Knight Rider
Gilligans Island
Thank god The Mysterious citys of gold was mentioned - by the way I don't think this was ever finished so nobody got to see the end! Oh and was Trap Door mentioned........... "BURT"

I think the majority have been listed but does anybody remember The Diplodos? They were dinosaurs with the powers of stationary, like a hole punch and stapler! It was originally a French cartoon.

Alien dinos from a remote planet called Diplodo come to Earth. Their home planet and Earth share a mirror-like link. Whatever happens on Earth, the opposite happens on Diplodo.
The Zordians are an evil group of aliens who wish to Destroy the Earth.
The friendly Diplodos who oppose them have come to stop the Zordian's plans.


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There were so many.... so here goes

12 O'Clock High
Johnny Quest
Clutch Cargo
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Star Trek
Carol Burnett
Dark Shadows
Ed Sullivan
Boston Blackie
Bugs Bunny

and so many more


great thread
when I was a kid I loved watching kidding

darn... it was too long'm sure I would miss a show if I try to list them down
but here are some of them: airwolf, knight rider(liked the girl who would fix kit)
, six million dollar man,electra woman and dyna girl, she-ra, batman, star trek,
electric company (po+rn=porn...LOL),popeye, TJ hooker (heather locklear was hot),
land of the lost, wacky races, wonderwoman, smurfs (,abc wide world of sports, superfriends, mighty mightor, candy candy,can't remember the rest
foxycougar said:
Oh man...where should I start!

I'm surprised to see some members here who remember Airwolf. I feel a lot better that I wasn't the only one.

My list has most of the shows everyone else has, along with:

Good Times
TJ Hooker
Forever Knight
and some others I can't remember right now.

As for animated shows, Batman: The Animated Series, the old Transformers series, and Robotech were my faves. But I watched and continue to watch animated shows because...well, I like them.
silver spoons
MR belvdeer
Parker lewis cant lose
go bots
kids incorperated
thunder cats
................i think thats it