trump's Coronavirus Failures and Lies


Hiliary 2020
Someone, not me recently said, "So sad to see that people are still trapped in the left right paradigm. People will go nuts when they/if realize, that big politics are even a bigger theater than mass media"
And another person, a very nice guy with a heart of gold responded,
" I’ve been trying to get that simple and so obvious reality in peoples brains for years. Most just can’t do it. Or won’t. They chose a side and they will stick to it for life and never realize that both sides are the same. Same owners. Same results. And everything is as show to make people think they have a choice and that their side is looking out for them. People won’t even consider it. They actually think I’m crazy for believing it. And imagine if all people woke up to this simple fact? They would have no power or hold on us at all.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Donald Trump 5/16/2020: "People can’t get enough of this. Great people!"




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I'll respond to whay you may have been implying.

1st, how ya been G? I'm going to reach out to you once more. Ok, If you notice I don't really take political sides in most things. I am on a side however, I'm on the side of humanity as corny as that may sound.
I used to be a "liberal" when I was very young, then I gradually shifted to very "conservative". These are terms I don't like using much.
I was a flag waving douche for years. I blame much of that on the fact that I was lied to and brainwashed by the government and its media (or vice versa) combined with the fact I was simply gullible.
Over the years I came to the conclusion that its all lies, all propaganda with agendas. Why tell us the truth about anything? There is no incentive at all for them to do that.
Some people "pick a side" and they stay there for life. Some people allow themselves the freedom of being able to change.
Our information all comes from one source and they all repeat it. Our politicians are all bought and paid for and simply follow orders. Of course some have more power than others and rank has little to do with it. The 2 party system is an illusion to give us the perception that we have a choice. The same stuff gonna happen regardless of who's President, but the propaganda will be different. At the end of the day the results are the same. A divided, confused, and basically clueless society who only know what they were told by professional liars. Therefore their entire perception of the world is a result of lies.
I think these things are incredibly obvious.
Again I am taking the time to at least make you understand my interpretation of things whether you agree or not.
Of course you don't have to agree.
So when you make accusations like I am reading from a script or putting on a show, whatever that means , its very disappointing to me.
I'm real.
I'm real.
I'm real.

I'm doing quite fine actually. My opinions have changed over the past 20 years as well. Think of me as an Eisenhower Republican who can identify with The Lincoln Project. I began to leave the party after Bush's debacle in Iraq and the rise of the Tea Party. Trump's nomination was the final straw. Now, I'm in no-man's land.

Politicians (and their PACs) and media are sucking up to corporations for their ad dollars or campaign contributions. Both parties bail out corporations at the expense of citizens and current and future taxpayers. I see greed driving most of this.

You call things 'obvious'. The only thing obvious is that you're one of the chosen few who see right through the lies and see the light. Everyone else is just 'clueless' in your world.

This exchange quoted below, along with a few others prior, allowed me to understand your interpretation many weeks ago. It's not very original honestly. (I'm relatively certain you have a tidy Prussian Blue/Zyklon B argument in your repertoire too).

Says the guy who calls the parents of Sandy Hook victims traitors and frauds.
Hey! Yes. Yes I do. I also call them thieves.
I'd love to discuss it with you sometime, ask you a few questions about it. Tie up some loose ends.
By June, this "Democratic hoax" will have claimed the lives of 100,000 americans.

100,000 people killed.
40x Pearl Harbor
16x 9/11 Attacks
2x Viet Nam wars
And all these deathes happened in a 3 months span. 92 Days. that's 1,000 people dying every day. One 9.11/week.

Think about it : under Trump, a pandemic is costing America, in terms of people killed, the equivalent of the 9/11 Attacks each week
So today's news out of the oval playpen. trump sent a cranky letter to the WHO accusing them of ignoring coronavirus warnings and covering up for China, citing an article from the Lancet in December. It went about as well as you'd expect from a battle of wits between the dullest human being in existence and a bunch of world class doctors, when the Lancet immediately shot back that no such article ever existed. Even people arguing politics on a porn forum do more research than that before tossing arguments out.

It's also been revealed that the national guard deployment has been scheduled to end on June 24th, after 89 days in the field. On day 90, those people serving on the front lines would have been eligible to receive benefits towards retirement and education. On day 89, they get nothing. There's no way the stable genius crunched those numbers himself, so it must have been someone else in the party of supporting the military that hatched that brilliant idea, but I'm sure Mr 4-D chess was happy to go along with it after a handful of goldfish crackers and a juice box.

Couldn't risk a few million in earned benefits for those serving the country when there's trillions to be handed over to big corporations!


Light one for Me
By June, this "Democratic hoax" will have claimed the lives of 100,000 americans.

100,000 people killed.
40x Pearl Harbor
16x 9/11 Attacks
2x Viet Nam wars
And all these deathes happened in a 3 months span. 92 Days. that's 1,000 people dying every day. One 9.11/week.

Think about it : under Trump, a pandemic is costing America, in terms of people killed, the equivalent of the 9/11 Attacks each week

In the same way that I remarked yesterday that there's an average of 600 people dying daily from covid 19 in the UK and this fact doesn't make the news headlines?? The BBC homepage while not ignoring the fact doesn't have a headline, the papers don't either. I just think that at any other time in history the daily death of 600 citizens should be a headline.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
In the same way that I remarked yesterday that there's an average of 600 people dying daily from covid 19 in the UK and this fact doesn't make the news headlines?? The BBC homepage while not ignoring the fact doesn't have a headline, the papers don't either. I just think that at any other time in history the daily death of 600 citizens should be a headline.

Amazing. The US Media is covering it wall-to-wall.

Who will guard Virginia's potatoes? Are roving bands of marauders out there stealing potatoes?
Some satire:
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Covid shitbag, love it. I also love that the House is now investigating his wife's part in the firing of transportation IG Mitchell Behm as he was investigating her conflicts of interest.

mcconnell is worse for America than even trump. Always has been. A lot of the damage caused by this particular shitbag hasn't even been realized yet. But it will eventually.
mcconnell is worse for America than even trump. Always has been. A lot of the damage caused by this particular shitbag hasn't even been realized yet. But it will eventually.
Yep. Actually Mitch and Donny are a perfect match. They are the same, except that Mitch is way more subtle.

For those who are familiar with Game of Thrones : Democrats are the Starks, Trump is Joffrey Lannister and Mitch is Walder Frey


Light one for Me
Can't trust anyone who never admits they're wrong. That's an irrational and in the case of running a young dumb and full of greed country, very dangerous.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Gotta love Dr. Trump's weekend:

He golfs (hey, he needs a break despite promising to be too busy to golf), he calls a veteran "an American Fraud" fraud (, and, as a bonus, gets involved in a 2001 death investigation by asking for 'forensic geniuses' (opinion piece: He's shining the Bat-Signal.

You would think he has this all under control and has nothing better to do.