Here's hoping that's true👍
Lets post articles from a news media who we all know lie to us all the time, then discuss them as if they were true.
Nothing peculiar about that.
Here is what's true Harp, Most people of this world although they know this whole thing has nothing at all to do with public safety and everything to do with making tons of money and gaining even more power and control over the governments and its people have shown that they are weak, gullible, subservient, and willing to accept anything without question.
We bent over and took it. We allowed manufactured fear to control us.
So consider this a test run that we failed miserably. This will never be over now. They'll just keep telling us that it came back, or something worse has come, and take away more of our freedom each time.
Is anybody here gullible enough to believe that nearly every country in the world shut down simulfuckingtaneously by chance?
Even countries that had little or no cases.
We took it, we accepted it, we believed it , and we let them steal our lives without so much as even considering whether or not we were being told the truth.
This will never end until THE PEOPLE refuse to comply to what they are being forced to comply to, and even then they will probably crush us.
Here I am the minority, but most people out there do not believe we are being told the truth about this at all.