Trump was right first, and Biden on Fed Employees ban and Montana the 1st State on Tik Tok

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After long non posting here, after posting my Drill Music and the War in Chiraq thread was deleted and merge to a non topic thread that got me a temp ban stated in that thread not to be political here saying we are being fucked by extreme 30% on both sides in a cultural war making the 40% moderates as the real deciders on the lessor of two evils.

On this sub forum posted in the past America is the only democracy that has only 2 major parties,

So BLM, Welfare for non want to work able to LGBT STFU and STFU on American racist history on the other side.


Real threat is China and their tool to make Gen Z more stupid. Wake up America as I'm a moderate and Putin is not the real threat .

Tik Tok is a Trojan Horse to take us down in our STAY FUCK UP Western World .

Two vids.

And I'm a moderate and Trump is way beyond crazy seeking another election win after his failed fueled Coup lies on swing states to final attempt on Jan 6.

But won't debate that here anywhere else on MAGA and Q-Aon people being tricked.

Wake up America and The West, China is not fucking around on world domination. Fuck the cultural war and also Fentayl is another tool they are using,

on these Q"
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Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I mostly agree with you.

But the American female will not care that they are using a Chinese spy tool. They must post nonsense and forego their duties as.. oh, i dunno.. rational human beings?

You can't stop the addiction, sir. Like temu.

It's everywhere.

But on a curiosity level, what do you propose?

They don't ACTUALLY have their shit together. They're just destabilizing and like everywhere else, they get a portion of their own medicine - they're dumbing down their own citizens.

There is no real threat, except to a change from the norm. Or rather a lack of norm.
Reason above worth responding without resorting to trolling insults.

Yep. Your post shows that social media status is important by Gen Z. Plus big city public education is a waste today with our youth priority on social media status. Like in the 1st vid the statement that now youth have a attention spade as a goldfish.

China trains their youth the other way from the 1st vid if watched as Bytedance the true owners of Tik Tok has the in China version with positive/inspiring 15 seconds clips of them from clout BS on the international. Remember YouTube is banned in China so no need for example in the Chiraq War thread deleted where vids some draw over 50M views on two main morons going back and forth with FBG Duck and King Von who are both dead and Gen Z idols to others nonsense like Taylor Swift "Shake It Off" over !B views.

And this cover up as the leading producer of plan obsolete products major producers left world wide supply chain shortages that seen the Covid crisis having the impact of least deaths in the orgin root country of the virus number 1 in lost of lives as they knew and told their doctors to STFU in October 2019.

Fuck China, lucky Japan attack Pearl Harbor and Fuck Tricky Dick as he open the gateway for greedy tax dodging American Corps to move and get reverse tech to make same goods but cheap materials so you waste money buying more frequently as in the 90s the theft Trump is saying was the American Corps to get the fuck out. Need to pay attention to made in the USA because it will last longer.

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???????? are we. Australia's problem.

America? Not if potential next in this situation Greatest Generation Gen Z is needed to pull their weight.

However we will have NATO's help to fill the slackers of Gen Z.
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What is this topic supposed to be and what the fuck are you talking about.
You didn't instantly lock a new non-sensical trump thread which has topics already covered in multiple threads created by a previously warned user. You must be having a good day and/or feeling charitable.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
What the fuck is Chiraq? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 🤔
It is a synonym for Chicago using a combo of Chi and raq to make Chicago into a mini Iraq back when the deaths there were extensive. Used mostly now to condemn the Democrats governing in cities. And a special insult to Chicago because of the crime there.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
All the guns in Chicago come from neighboring red states. As usual, "conservatives" talking out their asses.


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
You didn't instantly lock a new non-sensical trump thread which has topics already covered in multiple threads created by a previously warned user. You must be having a good day and/or feeling charitable.
I saw his name in the title and then a bunch of absolute gibberish and now I don't even know where I live.
What is this topic supposed to be and what the fuck are you talking about.
TIk Tok just is not legit and is nothing but malware to spy on America and The West. And China is making America and The West dumb (The Youth).

Where they teach their citizen's to learn and not to give in to 15 seconds BS clips that Bytedance formats on Tik Tok non China version where their version shows 15 seconds of positive stuff like work ethic 15 seconds videos

But hey, USA and The West are to invested in what is good for me for personal pleasure and decadents.

And worry about decadents is the reason America and The West is fucked up, along with parting as the norm.

Point is we need to teach are youth better, after all both BS political parties in America are in a culture war on what the youth should be guided but the answer are wrong,
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I saw his name in the title and then a bunch of absolute gibberish and now I don't even know where I live.
Found the MOD that merge my War in Chiraq thread with a non topic ID Babe thread and then ban me for a week after posting a update

Petra, this guy is a bias Mod. Could of move it here.
X Fire

Chiraq was from Chicago rapper King Louie that he coined for the violence in Chicago that in one year murders outnumbered the deaths total from America Services killed in Iraq War total in the number of years there.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
All the guns in Chicago come from neighboring red states. As usual, "conservatives" talking out their asses.
You must not realize that if the guns are coming from out of state, they by nature they are illegal guns, and part of a crime. You cannot go to another state and buy a gun legally. It has to be transferred from one FFL dealer to one in Illinois (or your home state), and the buyer must get a back round check from his home state before he can take possession of it. It's also illegal for minors to own guns, so an little hoodrat gang bangers under the age of 21, that stick a Glock in some law abiding shop owners face, is committing the additional crime of illegally possessing a gun. I know it isn't convenient for you to not blame a republican, because it doesn't fit your little narrative, but likely, the guns these little pieces of sub human garbage have, were stolen, obtained illegally, or given to them by other scumbag gang members, that likely also supply them with all of the drugs they sell. But on the bright side, due to the ultra progressive liberal pigs that run that city, past and present, all believe in bail, and justice reform, so the filth that liters our world, will be back out on the streets in a very short time, because IF they even have to pay bail, it's so low, even a welfare slug can afford it, and usually the slap on the wrist they receive as their punishment, is accompanied by a short period of incarceration, and or parole, with a stern finger wagging.


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Found the MOD that merge my War in Chiraq thread with a non topic ID Babe thread and then ban me for a week after posting a update
As a great man once said, it wasn't me.

But if you don't stop making such accusations and posting such overwhelming shit, it will be.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You must not realize that if the guns are coming from out of state, they by nature they are illegal guns, and part of a crime. You cannot go to another state and buy a gun legally. It has to be transferred from one FFL dealer to one in Illinois (or your home state), and the buyer must get a back round check from his home state before he can take possession of it. It's also illegal for minors to own guns, so an little hoodrat gang bangers under the age of 21, that stick a Glock in some law abiding shop owners face, is committing the additional crime of illegally possessing a gun. I know it isn't convenient for you to not blame a republican, because it doesn't fit your little narrative, but likely, the guns these little pieces of sub human garbage have, were stolen, obtained illegally, or given to them by other scumbag gang members, that likely also supply them with all of the drugs they sell. But on the bright side, due to the ultra progressive liberal pigs that run that city, past and present, all believe in bail, and justice reform, so the filth that liters our world, will be back out on the streets in a very short time, because IF they even have to pay bail, it's so low, even a welfare slug can afford it, and usually the slap on the wrist they receive as their punishment, is accompanied by a short period of incarceration, and or parole, with a stern finger wagging.

You missed the point, but that's alright. What I'm saying is that the guns aren't originating in Chicago, the crime of obtaining a gun illegally is being committed in bordering states and brought into Chicago. In Texas all the gun violence in LiBrUL CiTiEs like Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, etc., are purchased in-state. This isn't JUST a BiG CiTy LiBrUL problem.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You missed the point, but that's alright. What I'm saying is that the guns aren't originating in Chicago, the crime of obtaining a gun illegally is being committed in bordering states and brought into Chicago. In Texas all the gun violence in LiBrUL CiTiEs like Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, etc., are purchased in-state. This isn't JUST a BiG CiTy LiBrUL problem.
And I suppose there is a link to hard statistical fact that that is in fact the case. Even though Illinois gun laws are completely ridicules, they still do sell guns in the state.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Bury your head in the sand, that also is a typically cOnSeRvATiVe trait. 🙄 These last couple of comment/reply/comment/replies typify why I quit posting in Politics & Religion on FreeOnes, and have really stopped trying with politics in other places, too, because LiBrUL hAtE is such an embedded part of the Republican identity anymore that it's just not worth it.
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