Re: Is Donald Trump Really Running For President This Time Or Being A Chickenshit Again Afraid To Ru
BC you insult your own intelligence, day after day after day. You say the last seven year's we've had misinformation? Really? You say you are no fan of GW Bush yet you continue to skirt the issue and not go back to him and the disaster he left this country in. The WMD bullshit, the bankruptcy reform bill, the wars and the bullshit claims of oil paying for it all and then just about everything else he said and did. HE destroyed the US economy. He had a house majority for 6 years and he spent money like a hillbilly who won the lottery. (which is actually what happened for him) Obama stepped into a stinking pile of shit and this country is in MUCH better shape today than it was when he took office.
And if you think Trump could win ANY state you need to have someone punch you square in the fucking face because you my friend are having some sort of seizure that seems to be going on indefinitely. You discredit yourself with stupid shit like this. Arnold was a moderate and Trump is everything that the average american laughs at.
Did you know that during his endless tirade to get Obama's birth certificate and then pledged $5 million to charity if he would release his college records. Bill Maher said this for which Trump sent a copy of his birth certificate and sued Bill Maher for $5 million which he later had to drop.
If you ever wondered how big of an idiot Trump is this will leave you without a doubt, unless you're BC and you have become a drooling fool in which case you're not being taken any more seriously than fucking Donald Trump running america is LOL LOL LMFAO!!!!!!! What planet do you live on that you think that could ever happen?????????????????????? Maybe you and Romney and Glen Beck all were beamed up to Colab or something.
The beauty of this is that when Obama did produce his birth certificate Trump went ape LOL and said it was the short form version and not the original version. Well when Trump sent Bill the proof of his birth he sent a short form version and not the original.
Of course BC won't watch this because if he does there is no possible way he can stick to his belief that Trump can win anything other than the award for the biggest blow hard to ever run for president. And considering Jesse and Sharpton both ran, that's REALLY saying something.