True AMATEUR girls who have sex in PARTYHARDCORE !?

@ 24 Grams

According to Barbara Summer this girl is amateur.


For me too she look like a plant, but by her she isn't.

Barbara Summer is being smart, it's exactly what I said earlier...

I'm sure if you asked Barbara "Are ALL the girls in Party Hardcore 'amateurs'?" She would say "yes". And she is RIGHT. She is right because she uses the word "amateur" in a completely different context to the way we use it.

According to Barbara Summer an amateur in Party Hardcore is a girl who has never been fucked on camera before, MOST (if not all) the girls in Party Hardcore haven't been fucked on camera before (some move on to more porn work)...however this DOESN'T mean they weren't planning to be fucked BEFORE the "party" and it also doesn't mean they weren't paid for it other.

A better question to Barbara would be "Is she a pro?". By "pro", I mean is she a professional (i.e. did she make a pre-agreement to get fucked and did she get paid for what she did). If this question was asked to Barbara about the girl above, the answer would be a resounding "yes".

From PH Vol. 79... this girl made her only appearance and is never seen fucking or sucking in the photos, but she does briefly suck off one guy... I take it she is an amateur?

I think she had an agenda, she plays around with ALL of the "barmen" (I can't remember about the strippers), but she doesn't have sex (read the title of the thread) so it doesn't matter...
There are 3 girls in Vol.78 all three of them are fucked by the Brazilian stripper...two could be amateurs, one definitely is.

The 2 that could be first:

This one I'm pretty sure is, she does a tit-job on another stripper after this but I didn't see her sucking or fucking any other time.

Again, no sucking or fucking anyone other time.


Closed Account
did the other girl in the sofa ever get fucked? seen her in a number episodes during the time but never seen her do any real action. would live to see more of her!
There are 3 girls in Vol.78 all three of them are fucked by the Brazilian stripper...two could be amateurs, one definitely is.

This one I'm pretty sure is, she does a tit-job on another stripper after this but I didn't see her sucking or fucking any other time.

Again, no sucking or fucking anyone other time.

This one is plant, she is monika from czechcasting,!&p=7938033&viewfull=1#post7938033


I agree about other 2 girls from that party.
Barbara Summer is being smart, it's exactly what I said earlier...

I'm sure if you asked Barbara "Are ALL the girls in Party Hardcore 'amateurs'?" She would say "yes". And she is RIGHT. She is right because she uses the word "amateur" in a completely different context to the way we use it.

According to Barbara Summer an amateur in Party Hardcore is a girl who has never been fucked on camera before, MOST (if not all) the girls in Party Hardcore haven't been fucked on camera before (some move on to more porn work)...however this DOESN'T mean they weren't planning to be fucked BEFORE the "party" and it also doesn't mean they weren't paid for it other.

A better question to Barbara would be "Is she a pro?". By "pro", I mean is she a professional (i.e. did she make a pre-agreement to get fucked and did she get paid for what she did). If this question was asked to Barbara about the girl above, the answer would be a resounding "yes".

What Barbara actually said was 'No, she was just a party girl who came along. We did not expect her to do anything but were very happy she decided to enjoy our strippers. I cannot contact her because she is not in this business."
Yes agreed that girl in the white top is amateur, you can tell by the way she dresses and acts, and also she isn't actually that good looking. However since she is an amateur I find her attractive and have therefore had a massive wank over her.

The second girl in black top who has been shown to be Monika from Czech casting, I would say you can tell she isn't totally amateur just by her top. It's too shiny and looks like what the paid models and girls in dso wear. The girls clothing is very important to me in deciding whether they are amateur or not. I think socks is also a good indicator - if they take their boots off to fuck and have some horrendous pair of comfy socks on, I assume they never intended their boots to come off and their socks be seen, thus they are unplanned amateurs ;)
Do lesbians count too? There was this one girl in 2010-03-15/22 and 2010-12-13/20.. She's making out and fooling around with at least half a dozen random girls, including Gina. I'm still pretty sure she's amateur because you can actually see this raw, unkept horniness that she's exuding in every shot. It's written all over her face :D I absolutely love this shit (there are a few other such scenes with other girls, but they've been getting rarer and rarer in recent PH events :crying: )












...I would say you can tell she isn't totally amateur just by her top. It's too shiny and looks like what the paid models and girls in dso wear...

Yeah mostly this is true, but not always...

This girl wears a shiny top in this volume but she's not a pro (she is also in Vol. 78 too) this one I'm sure is an amateur.

...And in both volumes she flirts with some of the guys but 80% of the time she is with the muscular guy above.

In both volumes they spend so much time together, I thought why don't they fuck each other already...and finally they do.

I was going to post that girl in the red dress, you beat me to it. I'm sure she's an amateur, in the previous party she almost takes a cumshot to the face but basically dodges it and doesn't suck. In the episode you posted she hardly does any proper action until the part where she suddenly seems to be noshing him off and then having sex.

I must say that highlights how shockingly poor the camerawork and editing of PH has become, you can't see it properly at all. Why doesn't the camera move round and show the penetration?!

So frustrating when you can see a true amateur is getting fucked or is finally moving her mouth down towards the cock after an hour or persuading and then the camera cuts away to one of the skanky whore pros who has been fucking since five minutes into the first episode! Makes you wanna scream!