Tragic Texas girl, 15, kills herself in high school bathroom

Did you know that lately, reading the Obituaries is a lot more uplifting than being on the Freeones Talk section?
Did you know that lately, reading the Obituaries is a lot more uplifting than being on the Freeones Talk section?

Meh...if you can't find something in the best looking assholes thread that 2012i posted to cheer you up once in awhile....maybe we should send someone to look after ol' DJC to make sure a thread isn't started here about his suicide one day.:o
As I said, I sympathize for the real victims which are the people who truly cared for her. The same people whom she selfishly left with grief and unanswered questions. I have no time to sympathize those seeking attention and pity, however extreme, especially if you're not gonna take any responsibility or the feelings of others into consideration.


Official Checked Star Member
As I said, I sympathize for the real victims which are the people who truly cared for her. The same people whom she selfishly left with grief and unanswered questions. I have no time to sympathize those seeking attention and pity, however extreme, especially if you're not gonna take any responsibility or the feelings of others into consideration.

I don't think this girl was seeking attention...people don't kill themselves to seek attention. She wasn't someone who "cried wolf" trying to get people to feel bad for her...she was actually drowning in whatever depression and misery she was going through and no one was there to rescue her. Think what you want, but she is a child, one who doesn't have the maturity and experience to properly handle whatever it was she was going through...had she been 5 years older, perhaps she would have sought medical attention, perhaps she would talk to someone in a clearer manner, but since she was only 15, she did whatever she thought she had to to escape her pain, without being able to properly comprehend how her actions would affect those around her. Her situation is sad, and probably millions of teenagers are going through it and struggling day to day with this issue. What I think is sad is that the people who supposedly "truely cared for her" didn't see the warning signs, and didn't try to get this girl the help she clearly needed. I've been in this girls shoes and my family and friends stepped in and my life turned around. More teenagers need that kind of support system and when they don't, it makes their situation seem darker. Sometimes depression literally takes over every aspect of your life, and honestly who KNOWS what this girl has gone through. Maybe she went through something traumatic, maybe she has a chemical imbalance in her brain causing her depression...either way, she was a CHILD who needed help and never got it. If you can't feel sympathy for people who are severely depressed who have no one in their life to assist them on getting mentally healthy, then you sir, are sad too. :2 cents: (and I mean that in the most respectful way. I just cannot stand those who can't understand what depression does to people)
I don't think this girl was seeking attention...people don't kill themselves to seek attention. She wasn't someone who "cried wolf" trying to get people to feel bad for her...she was actually drowning in whatever depression and misery she was going through and no one was there to rescue her. Think what you want, but she is a child, one who doesn't have the maturity and experience to properly handle whatever it was she was going through...had she been 5 years older, perhaps she would have sought medical attention, perhaps she would talk to someone in a clearer manner, but since she was only 15, she did whatever she thought she had to to escape her pain, without being able to properly comprehend how her actions would affect those around her. Her situation is sad, and probably millions of teenagers are going through it and struggling day to day with this issue. What I think is sad is that the people who supposedly "truely cared for her" didn't see the warning signs, and didn't try to get this girl the help she clearly needed. I've been in this girls shoes and my family and friends stepped in and my life turned around. More teenagers need that kind of support system and when they don't, it makes their situation seem darker. Sometimes depression literally takes over every aspect of your life, and honestly who KNOWS what this girl has gone through. Maybe she went through something traumatic, maybe she has a chemical imbalance in her brain causing her depression...either way, she was a CHILD who needed help and never got it. If you can't feel sympathy for people who are severely depressed who have no one in their life to assist them on getting mentally healthy, then you sir, are sad too. :2 cents: (and I mean that in the most respectful way. I just cannot stand those who can't understand what depression does to people)

Believe me when I tell you that I do understand what depression does and how it affects people, but at the same time, she is old enough to make decisions and carry them out as evidenced by her act. Fact is: She said she would do it. Fact is: She did. Nowhere that I read says she sought help or that help was recommended. Also, the fact that nobody took her seriously, at all, tells me theres a reason why nobody made a move. Suicide is very, very rarely the first act of a depressed person. There are no reports of the slightest inconsistent behavior on her part. To top it all off, she left no note, nor did she confide in anyone reasons for her act, which is very telling. Consider the fact she shot herself at school. That is very much a social attention move. Based on these things, I don't have sympathy for her as a person, and YES, this comes off as very selfish even for a fifteen year old. Until there is a report stating otherwise, I think she at 15 is old enough to think and choose and act accordingly consistently.


Official Checked Star Member
Until there is a report stating otherwise, I think she at 15 is old enough to think and choose and act accordingly consistently.

Depression has a tendency to make you think differently than normal. Depression cripples your mind, they way you see everything in life...her choice to commit suicide was yes, selfish (it always is) but when you're that deep in depression and sadness, usually you can't see anything other than darkness. I just don't see how you can NOT feel pity for someone who was that depressed. I feel horrible that she didn't have a support system in place, no one there to see the warning signs and get her help. She was a child lost...this isn't the case of a grown adult choosing to end their life, this is a child who couldn't deal with her feelings and her family and friends bailed when she needed them the most. Sad. Yes her actions were selfish...again, they always are when its suicide we're talking about...but that shouldn't decide whether she gets pity or not. My uncle swallowed 8 bottles of pills and crawled into a plastic garbage bag to die...he broke the hearts of everyone in my family, and sent us all into our own depression over his death but I can still feel sad for him and pity for him because he was in a situation he couldn't handle and felt he had no other way out. And that, is sad.
Believe me when I tell you that I do understand what depression does and how it affects people, but at the same time, she is old enough to make decisions and carry them out as evidenced by her act. Fact is: She said she would do it. Fact is: She did. Nowhere that I read says she sought help or that help was recommended. Also, the fact that nobody took her seriously, at all, tells me theres a reason why nobody made a move.

Wow IWJ...

I've never experienced depression (clinical) so I can't tell anyone what it's like because I don't know. But I accept that it's is a real circumstance that drives people to do things they probably wouldn't otherwise do.

But say on the one hand she never sought help but on the other hand you admit that she warned people (said she would = warn) what she was thinking about doing but they didn't take her seriously.

Surely you have to see the disconnect with what you're saying. Threatening suicide is the most obvious way a depressed (or otherwise) person calls out for help. The fact that no one took her serious and she did it bears reflection on the fact that they were wrong and misread the seriousness of her mental condition.

She was a kid...I doubt she was sophisticated enough to say to her parents, "Hey, I have diagnosed myself with a severe mental condition. Check me into a hospital.."


Official Checked Star Member
Wow IWJ...

I've never experienced depression (clinical) so I can't tell anyone what it's like because I don't know. But I accept that it's is a real circumstance that drives people to do things they probably wouldn't otherwise do.

But say on the one hand she never sought help but on the other hand you admit that she warned people (said she would = warn) what she was thinking about doing but they didn't take her seriously.

Surely you have to see the disconnect with what you're saying. Threatening suicide is the most obvious way a depressed (or otherwise) person calls out for help. The fact that no one took her serious and she did it bears reflection on the fact that they were wrong and misread the seriousness of her mental condition.

She was a kid...I doubt she was sophisticated enough to say to her parents, "Hey, I have diagnosed myself with a severe mental condition. Check me into a hospital.."

I never agree with you (lol) but- EXACTLY.
Depression has a tendency to make you think differently than normal. Depression cripples your mind, they way you see everything in life...her choice to commit suicide was yes, selfish (it always is) but when you're that deep in depression and sadness, usually you can't see anything other than darkness. I just don't see how you can NOT feel pity for someone who was that depressed. I feel horrible that she didn't have a support system in place, no one there to see the warning signs and get her help. She was a child lost...this isn't the case of a grown adult choosing to end their life, this is a child who couldn't deal with her feelings and her family and friends bailed when she needed them the most. Sad. Yes her actions were selfish...again, they always are when its suicide we're talking about...but that shouldn't decide whether she gets pity or not. My uncle swallowed 8 bottles of pills and crawled into a plastic garbage bag to die...he broke the hearts of everyone in my family, and sent us all into our own depression over his death but I can still feel sad for him and pity for him because he was in a situation he couldn't handle and felt he had no other way out. And that, is sad.

That is very sad, and I pray for an complete end to your grief.

As far as the girl is concerned, as I said previously, the fact there is no evidence of inconsistent behavior, where she committed the act, and the fact that it is seemingly the first act leads me to my non-sympathy. She may even be a copycat victim, because there was somebody that off themself a week before her at the very same school. She saw this and experienced the aftermath first hand, and still offed herself. I'm just adding all this up, and it just seems more and more of an attention seeking act form a shallow teen. I'm sorry.
That is very sad, and I pray for an complete end to your grief.

As far as the girl is concerned, as I said previously, the fact there is no evidence of inconsistent behavior, where she committed the act, and the fact that it is seemingly the first act leads me to my non-sympathy. She may even be a copycat victim, because there was somebody that off themself a week before her. I'm just adding all this up, and it just seems more and more of an attention seeking act form a shallow teen.

I'm sure this is my last post on this. But in most cases people without some political motivation don't seek attention by actually killing themselves.

How would they be around to cash in on the reward of attention??

The fact that she didn't try but fail previously (if that's the case) seems like it should prove the reverse of what you believe....that she was serious and wasn't just seeking attention.
I'm sure this is my last post on this. But in most cases people without some political motivation don't seek attention by actually killing themselves.

How would they be around to cash in on the reward of attention??

The fact that she didn't try but fail previously (if that's the case) seems like it should prove the reverse of what you believe....that she was serious and wasn't just seeking attention.

The attention she sought is what she wanted while she lived. There are plenty of people that consider suicide with the mindset 'Nobody wants me... I bet they'll miss and appreciate me if I was dead'. There's a certain happiness to be gained in the thought that you could cause extreme emotional grief to those that caused you grief and go away from everyone at the same time. Again, this is something she no doubt saw first hand a week before she shot herself. She was very familiar with the effects on others that suicide brings and she committed the same act.
Depression has a tendency to make you think differently than normal. Depression cripples your mind, they way you see everything in life...her choice to commit suicide was yes, selfish (it always is) but when you're that deep in depression and sadness, usually you can't see anything other than darkness. I just don't see how you can NOT feel pity for someone who was that depressed. I feel horrible that she didn't have a support system in place, no one there to see the warning signs and get her help. She was a child lost...this isn't the case of a grown adult choosing to end their life, this is a child who couldn't deal with her feelings and her family and friends bailed when she needed them the most. Sad. Yes her actions were selfish...again, they always are when its suicide we're talking about...but that shouldn't decide whether she gets pity or not. My uncle swallowed 8 bottles of pills and crawled into a plastic garbage bag to die...he broke the hearts of everyone in my family, and sent us all into our own depression over his death but I can still feel sad for him and pity for him because he was in a situation he couldn't handle and felt he had no other way out. And that, is sad.

:dito: I think people who go on to kill themselves have reached a stage where they are beyond thinking about how their death will affect their friends and family, they are no longer thinking rationally. I found it sad that no one seems to have intervened before she got to this stage, if she told her friends she was gonna kill herself someone should have kept close by her or informed a school counsellor, it's not the type of thing you say as a joke although we don't know the context in which she said it. My only worry is that at the age of 15 she had her whole life ahead of her and she may have killed herself over something trivial like an argument with a friend, boyfriend problems or exams etc. As a 15 year old these can seem like the end of the world but as us adults now know there's a whole world out there once you leave school. You can half understand suicides in older people if they are terminally ill, feel they've wasted their lives, suffer a child dying, losing their job, losing their home, going bankrupt or getting divorced and losing their kids but a 15 year old is unlikely to suffer from any of these which makes it seem like such a tragic waste. ps I doubt she was attention seeking unless maybe when she said she was gonna kill herself and she was looking for a response. In the actual act if she wanted attention she would have cut herself of overdosed on pills hoping to be found, a gunshot is pretty final. A story I linked earlier about a tragic (pointless) teen suicide:


Official Checked Star Member
That is very sad, and I pray for an complete end to your grief.

As far as the girl is concerned, as I said previously, the fact there is no evidence of inconsistent behavior, where she committed the act, and the fact that it is seemingly the first act leads me to my non-sympathy. She may even be a copycat victim, because there was somebody that off themself a week before her at the very same school. She saw this and experienced the aftermath first hand, and still offed herself. I'm just adding all this up, and it just seems more and more of an attention seeking act form a shallow teen. I'm sorry.

I don't even know what to say to this, other than I'm sad that you have such a shallow view on this tragic event. You're making statements about a child who suffered and ended her life that are extremely judgemental and actually quite disrespectful to both the girl and her family. To say that she was just being a stupid attention seeking person...when the probable reality is just that she was a teenager struggling with depression...thats really harsh. Do you honestly think that people in their right mind would off themselves to copy someone else? Its clear this girl was troubled...and the fact that she reached out for help and no one gave it to honestly can't see the tragedy in that? I'm done with this topic....may this poor girl RIP and may her family have some peace in their time of grief. Hopefully they never see this kind of criticism on their daughter, because its unfair, especially given that no one really knows what was going on in this girls head. :(
I don't even know what to say to this, other than I'm sad that you have such a shallow view on this tragic event. You're making statements about a child who suffered and ended her life that are extremely judgemental and actually quite disrespectful to both the girl and her family. To say that she was just being a stupid attention seeking person...when the probable reality is just that she was a teenager struggling with depression...thats really harsh. Do you honestly think that people in their right mind would off themselves to copy someone else? Its clear this girl was troubled...and the fact that she reached out for help and no one gave it to honestly can't see the tragedy in that? I'm done with this topic....may this poor girl RIP and may her family have some peace in their time of grief. Hopefully they never see this kind of criticism on their daughter, because its unfair, especially given that no one really knows what was going on in this girls head. :(

My view comes from being a criminal justice major and a psychology minor through most of my college time, and there are many instances of copycat killers and copycat suicides. When you have someone who says they will kill themselves on several occassions to their peers at school, witness the aftermath of a suicide at the same school, and then shoot yourself at school, you must seek the common denominator: school. Everything about this story revolves around it.

How often do you hear of suicides in the same place a week apart from two different people of the same peer set? I believe she knew full well she had other ways out and decided and decided to follow that other students method to deal. I think this smells fishy. As I previously stated, my thoughts are with her parents, but I can't really feel sympathetic towards her given the entirety of what we know thus far.


Official Checked Star Member
As I previously stated, my thoughts are with her parents, but I can't really feel sympathetic towards her given the entirety of what we know thus far.

which is next to nothing. A 15 yr old girl kills herself and you're automatically judging and criticizing her motives and decisions like you know her and her situation or something. All I'm saying is that its wrong and unfair. She took her own life and now the world has one less child in it - if you can't see that as sad, and feel bad for her situation (no matter what it is) then THAT is sad. :2 cents:
Very tragic. I do find it odd to point out that there was a need to put "no evidence she was bullied". too much emphasis is put on that shit these days and I think it is actually counter productive to society. Again, very sad
which is next to nothing. A 15 yr old girl kills herself and you're automatically judging and criticizing her motives and decisions like you know her and her situation or something. All I'm saying is that its wrong and unfair. She took her own life and now the world has one less child in it - if you can't see that as sad, and feel bad for her situation (no matter what it is) then THAT is sad. :2 cents:

You're right, there isn't a whole lot here. That's why I'm gonna hold my sympathy until more info drops. Me analyzing her motives is just who I am, a quirk that led me into studying this in college. As of right now, we're talking about a girl who experienced a suicide first hand and all the aftermath, and CHOSE the same path. I don't sympathize her action. She did it even after seeing it happen to someone else. I sympathize the effects of her action. Its a slippery slope, and I know that.
You're right, there isn't a whole lot here. That's why I'm gonna hold my sympathy until more info drops. Me analyzing her motives is just who I am, a quirk that led me into studying this in college. As of right now, we're talking about a girl who experienced a suicide first hand and all the aftermath, and CHOSE the same path. I don't sympathize her action. She did it even after seeing it happen to someone else. I sympathize the effects of her action. Its a slippery slope, and I know that.

The way I look at it I have love and compassion for everybody out there, even the most vile and evil people that have ever lived (which she is for from). I think there is something wrong with a person when they have to start making excuses or rationalizations for themselves for that not to be the case. The reasons she did what she did are irrelevant to me for my decision to feel for her.