Re: traci lords
sourwood said:
16 is legal here in South Carolina also
TRY AGAIN. You are most definitely misinformed about the law. It is
illegal to view child pornography in the United States.
The "Age Of Majority" (when you become an adult in the eyes of the law) is 18 years of age. The "Age Of Sexual Consent" varies from State to State.
In Criminal Law, the Age Of Sexual Consent (AOSC) is the age at which a person is considered to be capable of legally giving informed consent to sexual acts with another person.
In most jurisdictions, the Age Of Sexual Consent is violated when an adult has intercourse with an individual who has not reached that jurisdiction's AOSC. In other jurisdictions, the AOSC is a minimum age for any type of sexual conduct, and two minor participants can violate a jurisdiction's AOSC. The crime and penalties for an AOSC violation varies based on jurisdiction, the age of the older actor and the difference between the two actors. Charges may range from a relatively low level misdemeanor such as "corruption of a minor" to statutory rape (which is considered equivalent to rape, both in severity and sentencing.) Some jurisdictions have a second Age Of Sexual Consent that is relevant in situations when the adult actor is in a position of authority over the minor (affecting teachers, coaches, principals, health professionals, police officers, family members.)
The Age Of Sexual Consent should
not be confused with the Age Of Majority or the Age of Criminal Responsibility, and in some jurisdictions, the marriageable age differs from the Age Of Sexual Consent.
The Age Of Sexual Consent varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, though most jurisdictions in the world today have an Age Of Sexual Consent between 14 to 18 years, but ages as young as 12 and as old as 21 also occur. The relevant age may also vary by the type of sexual act or the gender of the people concerned.
She was a minor when she made those movies and consequently it has been deemed that it is illegal to view said movies here in the United States. It doesn't matter what your State's Age Of Sexual Consent is, it is the Age Of Majority that matters in this instance. Why? Because she was a minor (16 years of age or so) and was
not an adult.
I can
easily provide the necessary legal documentation / information as proof of the above explanation.