Topshop pulls image of "size zero" model

This is a story from over in the U.K. that I found to be pretty interesting:

While the model looks downright ridiculous and unattractive in that particular photograph, I think this raises a fair argument. As we know, society bullies and pressures overweight girls to become skinny, and this has been one of the main causes of eating disorders amongst young women for decades. But on the flip side, what about the girls who are teased for being too skinny?
This is a story from over in the U.K. that I found to be pretty interesting:

While the model looks downright ridiculous and unattractive in that particular photograph, I think this raises a fair argument. As we know, society bullies and pressures overweight girls to become skinny, and this has been one of the main causes of eating disorders amongst young women for decades. But on the flip side, what about the girls who are teased for being too skinny?

This is an issue on which I find it hard to take a side. To a degree, the fashion industry uses (or used) skinny models and perhaps that pressures women to try and emulate a skinny trend, and any model/woman who starve themselves for whatever reason, certainly needs help, but the problem I have is this; what about women who are naturally skinny and actually find it difficult to gain weight. The fashion industries response to stop using skinny models can be construed as discrimination, and discrimination in any form is something that infuriates me, so this is not an easy situation to deal with.
what about women who are naturally skinny and actually find it difficult to gain weight. The fashion industries response to stop using skinny models can be construed as discrimination, and discrimination in any form is something that infuriates me, so this is not an easy situation to deal with.

You might be right at some point that natural skinny girls do excist. But it is not helpfull for them to be in this industry.
Topshop makes you feel that if you're not a slender woman, you can't shop there. I dislike it.
I don't discriminate anyone, but she looks sort of.. sad.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Any photos of her topless? :dunno: