[SOLVED] Topless girl in smiley face panties...

Anyone happen to know who this girl is, or where any more pics of her are (if any even exist)? I've seen this pic used in several gif ads lately, but google image search of a screen cap comes up with nothing at all.


Thank you.
OK, so I've been trying to figure this one on and off for weeks before I decided to post it here. Now that I finally did, I was looking to ID a girl for someone else on the board, and purely by accident I found her myself. lol

It's just an alias, but there's plenty of nice pics here: Panda Chan

So, enjoy... and let me know if you happen to find any more of her, or discover any other names she goes by. Thanks again. :)
I agree. I actually figured the picture was photoshopped, but I wasn't at all disappointed when I found the real pics. On the contrary, I liked it even better, despite having a love of curves. ;) Natural always seems to be sexier than altered.

On a side note, I posted a reply to my own request last night after finding this girl by random while trying to ID a girl for another member. Somehow, though, my post didn't show up. Odd. *shrug*
On a side note, I posted a reply to my own request last night after finding this girl by random while trying to ID a girl for another member. Somehow, though, my post didn't show up. Odd. *shrug*

As a noob, your posts needs approval from a mod before they appear, noob.