Top Gear


Any fans? It's an English show, so your American Identities will be held with
safety if you do like it. We can't let the British people know they have done something correctly we must live in our own worlds.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I liked Jonathan Ross on Top Gear, stating he thinks that 'torque' is something made up by car testers to spice up their act ^^
Best show, ever. I have a nice collection of Clarkson quotes. Jeremy is the man.
awesome show...almost makes me want to start watching TV, almost...just movies for me though
"he knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong"

"he likes to suck the moisture out of ducks"

I'd have thought that with slot of anti american humor, it wouldn't be popular in the us.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It's a toss up as to which is my favorite episode, but somewhere on the top of the list is the boat cars and the US special where they drove from Florida to New Orleans.


persona non grata
I have zero interest in cars but i really like this show and watch it most weeks.



A question for USAians: Staged?

That was funny, but it really wasn't. You don't fuck around like that in the deep south. The camera crew was probably the only thing stopping some serious injuries from happening. :fight:
I heard Leno turned down an offer to make the American version of Top Gear...good thing he did. I don't think they could do justice to the original show.

BTW, I DVR every episode, I don't always get the jokes, but the show moves along at a great pace.