top 3 cds of 06

Still trying to think of one, never mind three :eek:

Did the Smurf's have anything out ? :1orglaugh


Is somewhere outhere.
Here's mine :D

3) Graham Coxon - Love Travels At Illegal Speeds

2) The Killers - Sam's Town

1) The Rifles - No Love Lost.
Serious post this time.

Like a few seem to mention I hardly ever get a artist cd, as I never usually find more than a few tracks I like. So this year I kept my complete collection of the Bonkers cd's going and now have all 16. The only artist cd I got was...

Bat Out Of Hell III - Meat Loaf
1. Rise Against- the sufferer and the witness

2. Alexisonfire- crisis

3. Snow Patrol- eyes open

most over-rated album of 2006: Red Hot Chili Peppers- stadium arcadium
Great, looks like this is just about to go over the edge and turn into an argument about people's taste in music now rather than just letting people state their opinions on what they liked...
and since everyone else hates my taste heres 3 more:


Dragonforce-inhuman rampage

Queensryche-mindcrime 2

all 3 are are "growers" but still pretty good.

and in 07 im looking forward to Sinergy, Primal Fear, and Iced Earth.