Too much porn, can't get erection

thats whats wrong with the world! It is the womans job to get you ready and raring, sounds like u r not in to fking corpses. get a new girl who is willing and knows her place in the realm of sex
The insecurities of not getting it up also feeds on itself. Once I couldn't get it up for some reason, and I made up a slight story (not recommended) to take the pressure off that I was going to be a usually good performer. That lowered expectation releaved me of the tension to deliver and that alone made a difference. I was able to stand sallute again.
The insecurities of not getting it up also feeds on itself. Once I couldn't get it up for some reason, and I made up a slight story (not recommended) to take the pressure off that I was going to be a usually good performer. That lowered expectation releaved me of the tension to deliver and that alone made a difference. I was able to stand sallute again.

How it all ended...
thanks for the replies

i'm only 22, used to be i get so horny, and when i couldn't have sex, the testosterone shifts my mood from horny, to really angry

I think i just didn't feel like it on the day really. i didn't have the nervousness and heart pounding of performance anxiety. i'll just give it a few days

plus she doesn't really do much to make me horny, she just expects it. like no touching or bl0wjob or anything

i've talked to her about it, so next time she wants me to 'perform' she knows she's going have to put a bit of work into it, rather than leaving it all up to me, to turn myself on, then try turn her on

i have a deadline or work due, and thats probably affecting me. i dont even feel the need to look at porn anymore.

i honestly think that is your problem becuase the last girlfriend i had she would just take her clothes off and i would to and expect me to be horny to go.....females think that us men are horny all the time so we shoudl have sex when they want to....thats not true.....well not for me anyway..there are time i dont want to have sex..but i can be verred into that mood if the right things are done from my women......not just bending over and
well that was pretty much the situation last time we tried

she just took her clothes off, and expected me to get an instant boner. all i'm there trying to get her wet, which i suceeded to do, but she wsan't doing anything for me

not sure if some of you guys remembered me saying, but i get turned on more by skimpy stringy underwear than just a naked chick, no matter how hot

hopefully she'll put more effort into it next time, i just gotta remember to keep it clean so it doesn't smell when she goes down there
It's how fast you can get it up, It's how long can you keep it up.


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Bronze Member
I take a leave from watching porn every once in a while and it is a great feeling.
thanks for the replies

i'm only 22, used to be i get so horny, and when i couldn't have sex, the testosterone shifts my mood from horny, to really angry

I think i just didn't feel like it on the day really. i didn't have the nervousness and heart pounding of performance anxiety. i'll just give it a few days

plus she doesn't really do much to make me horny, she just expects it. like no touching or bl0wjob or anything

i've talked to her about it, so next time she wants me to 'perform' she knows she's going have to put a bit of work into it, rather than leaving it all up to me, to turn myself on, then try turn her on

i have a deadline or work due, and thats probably affecting me. i dont even feel the need to look at porn anymore.

I've had something similar happen to me in the past. It sucks ass, and I found it to be embarrassing. My girl was very understanding, and if she notices this happening nowadays she uses her tonsils to help me out. That usually does the trick. :D
oh most def my man...keep it clean down there.....if shes a good girl she won't mnd going down there to get you hard


Oh, so there's Viagra in this equation ? So tell us about the Viagra . . . Was it a legit prescription ? Why did you use it ? how many times have you used it ?

I ask these questions because if you were taking viagra for an enhanced sexual experience, yet in reality you didn't need it to begin with, you may be suffering from the effects of "?"
Read all about the side effects.

It's just like The Hotel California - "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave".
No Viagra No Performance ? and you're only 22 ?

Of course this is all an assertion on my part.

Caveat Emptor there
i onlly had two sample pills from my rotation at a GP's place. so i got them for free

used the other one when i previoulsy had this problem, also due mainly because of watching too muhc porn, and killing my libido

i think i'll just stay away from porn from now on, unless i have a bug urge to watch it. its hardly satisfying or gratifying so theres no point in me watching it.

i think i'm fine now, i most likely just didn't really feel like it on the day, and it doesn't help to try puhshing myself
i get horny, get shot down, then i stat getting angry

the build up testesterone is what's making me horny, but when i cant get it, it starts making me angry

well thats my theory, i get uncontrollably and uncharateristicly angry. i dont show it of course, i'm just fuming on the inside
i get horny, get shot down, then i stat getting angry

the build up testesterone is what's making me horny, but when i cant get it, it starts making me angry

well thats my theory, i get uncontrollably and uncharateristicly angry. i dont show it of course, i'm just fuming on the inside

testosterone makes you horny
your temper makes you angry


"god" -

I think that you may try "changing the venue a bit". Routines get old fast especially with sex involved.

As previously mentioned, work on a diet plan for sure ! Make sure you're eating wholesome stuff.

Have a couple of cups of coffee before and see if that helps jack you up.

What's to get mad about when you've got a hottie on your friggin lap !

Now, promise us that you'll come back with a follow up when everything's peachy again to let us know how you resolved the matter . . Doc's orders !! lol !
Doctors don’t know shit. If you leave it to those boneheads, your dick will hang sideways in five years time. You have to realise that most men with ‘unusual’ conditions don’t seek help. It might have something to do with your blood flow. Some men have a fairly centeralised blood flow that ignores the limbs. If this is the case, You Might want to inform your doctor (they are useful once you give them the hint), and then you can work towards a treatment program.