You're taking Viagra at 22?!?thanks for the replies
i'm only 22,...
The insecurities of not getting it up also feeds on itself. Once I couldn't get it up for some reason, and I made up a slight story (not recommended) to take the pressure off that I was going to be a usually good performer. That lowered expectation releaved me of the tension to deliver and that alone made a difference. I was able to stand sallute again.
thanks for the replies
i'm only 22, used to be i get so horny, and when i couldn't have sex, the testosterone shifts my mood from horny, to really angry
I think i just didn't feel like it on the day really. i didn't have the nervousness and heart pounding of performance anxiety. i'll just give it a few days
plus she doesn't really do much to make me horny, she just expects it. like no touching or bl0wjob or anything
i've talked to her about it, so next time she wants me to 'perform' she knows she's going have to put a bit of work into it, rather than leaving it all up to me, to turn myself on, then try turn her on
i have a deadline or work due, and thats probably affecting me. i dont even feel the need to look at porn anymore.
thanks for the replies
i'm only 22, used to be i get so horny, and when i couldn't have sex, the testosterone shifts my mood from horny, to really angry
I think i just didn't feel like it on the day really. i didn't have the nervousness and heart pounding of performance anxiety. i'll just give it a few days
plus she doesn't really do much to make me horny, she just expects it. like no touching or bl0wjob or anything
i've talked to her about it, so next time she wants me to 'perform' she knows she's going have to put a bit of work into it, rather than leaving it all up to me, to turn myself on, then try turn her on
i have a deadline or work due, and thats probably affecting me. i dont even feel the need to look at porn anymore.
What do you mean by this statement? How is testosterone shifting your moods?i'm only 22, used to be i get so horny, and when i couldn't have sex, the testosterone shifts my mood from horny, to really angry
i get horny, get shot down, then i stat getting angry
the build up testesterone is what's making me horny, but when i cant get it, it starts making me angry
well thats my theory, i get uncontrollably and uncharateristicly angry. i dont show it of course, i'm just fuming on the inside