Too much awesomeness for one photo?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I don't know how you would improve this picture. It's fucking epic...

(If this has been posted already, I don't give a shit. So fuck you.)


  • tumblr_lceiutmTD01qz5q19o1_500.jpg
    110.9 KB · Views: 270
That would be Isiah Mustafa (Old Spice commercial guy) with The Most Interesting Man in the World (Dos Equis commercial guy). They are both pretty much bad asses.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
So, two commercial guys? Big deal.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
There I was expecting to see a picture of a nerdy Indianna teacher meeting a failing (american) "football" team called the scrubs. Sorry, cubs...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow, you dumbasses fail at pop culture. Fine, here's some fucking context:

I liked the photo and found it humorous, so fuck you. At least one guy (Behemoth) knew what I was talking about...