Today's teenagers are the most tolerant generation in history

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Could you blame us for being apathetic with the state the job market and economy is in? I'm worried about my future and what I'll do once I graduate and I'm sure I'm not the only one worried.

Hmm. Well, here's a quote for you that I'd like for you to think about: "Every generation's memory is exactly as long as its own experience." --John Kenneth Galbraith

When I was in college, the economy also sucked. Not as bad as now, but unemployment was high and interest rates were high. Heck, think about how an American boy would have felt if he was graduating from high school or college in the mid 60's? Being forced to go to southeast Asia to die for someone else's cause wouldn't set well with me. Facing challenges and hardships is not a very good excuse for becoming apathetic. If anything, it should prompt one to action.

As a young person, I am not discounting the challenges that you're facing. But at the same time, realize that your perspective is limited by your experiences thus far in life. What you're facing is not the worst thing that's ever been faced by young people.

And to your point, yeah, I do think that today's youngest generation doesn't get as wound up about some of the social things that wound up previous generations.
So basically you're saying the world is starting to come together by the fact nobody cares enough to bother giving a crap anymore? Sadly that's an improvement from the worlds past history where more people went out of their way to hate other people.

Wow! You make me sound like a racist... :facepalm:

There is a distinct difference between actively caring about and overcoming unjust inequalities and what Dirk fittingly calls "apathy"

Have a nice day! :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
clearly the teaching of tolerance has been bout we start teaching some knowledge to our youngsters? also why are teenagers so small these days? every high schooler i see is tiny

teaching tolerance was successful.
brainwashing is a more precise term.
so now we have got tolerance and along with it a generation with no balls to express any criticism about things they know are wrong.
teaching tolerance was successful.
brainwashing is a more precise term.
so now we have got tolerance and along with it a generation with no balls to express any criticism about things they know are wrong.

brainwashing is what you do to the young to make them conform to the society at hand...and i wouldn't call it ballessness :D but apathy
Political correctness. While sometimes it might be warranted, it's not something I would aspire to. Especially when my state is being ruined by it.

If you live somewhere where it's warm you could put a bunch of rocks in your yard and then put a sign that says "beware of poisonous snakes" because they will start living in them. (especially if you put them there) ;):tongue:
All the teenage girls/early 20s currently are fat and chubby. Back during my time in HS in the 80s they were all fit and thin. Maybe there's something in the food that's made so many get fat.


Hiliary 2020
All the teenage girls/early 20s currently are fat and chubby. Back during my time in HS in the 80s they were all fit and thin. Maybe there's something in the food that's made so many get fat.

its high fructose corn syrup.
everythings loaded with it and the body cant process it none too well., it attaches to the fat cells and ..........poof!
that combined with modern lifestyle trends and you get a lot of fatties.

read please, a lot of good info:

like you said it really started in the late 80's around the time coke pulled their new coke then coca cola cllassic trick.
that was just a scam to change the ingredients without everybody noticing/

in the country i live in there is no corn syrup and all the women are thin, curvy and sexy.
All the teenage girls/early 20s currently are fat and chubby. Back during my time in HS in the 80s they were all fit and thin. Maybe there's something in the food that's made so many get fat.

I was actually counting on that, but it doesn't seem to be working for me, dunno why. :dunno:
its high fructose corn syrup.
everythings loaded with it and the body cant process it none too well., it attaches to the fat cells and ..........poof!
that combined with modern lifestyle trends and you get a lot of fatties.

read please, a lot of good info:

like you said it really started in the late 80's around the time coke pulled their new coke then coca cola cllassic trick.
that was just a scam to change the ingredients without everybody noticing/

in the country i live in there is no corn syrup and all the women are thin, curvy and sexy.

That gotta have something to do with it. They're just blobs/rolls of lard.


Hiliary 2020
i think its the main reason.
what else could it be?

its cheaper than sugar and its the top ingredient in most foods in the states.
as soon as they started using it in everything a few years later people started to balloon up.
and in countries where natural sugar is cheap and corn syrup isnt used most are thin.

its gotta be it.

why does the GOV allow it knowing the results?
money money money

they even changed the name this year to " corn sugar"

Health effects
According to Anderson, the past 35 years have seen a rise in obesity as well as an increase in added sugars in commonly consumed foods. This increase in obesity is believed to be linked to the increased consumption of added sugars in food, specifically high-fructose corn syrup. Extensive research has been conducted to study high-fructose corn syrup and its effect on body weight. [38]
According to Ferder, Ferder & Inserra, fructose consumption and obesity are linked because fructose consumption does not cause an insulin response. This is important because, without an insulin response after consumption of a high-fructose food, there is no suppression of appetite which is normally induced by hyperinsulinemia after a meal. If there is no satiety or suppression of appetite occurring, then the person will continue eating or overeating as the case may be. This is linked with obesity because excess calories are converted and stored as fat, and when this process continues over a long period of time it results in obesity.
there's a difference between tolerance and not giving a shit about anything...just sayin'
Personally I hate kids these days. Looking on the internet you would think they don't teach English anymore!


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I agree with most of what this article says as I'm a millennial myself and I have a very diverse group of friends. I'm Mexican but I have friends who are White, Black, Latino, and Filipino. I have a friend who is Latino who is dating an Asian girl and I know a few gay people as well. I, as well as my friends, am cool with all this and I don't make a big deal about it. I guess I just don't see people in terms of color, sexuality, or religion.

They are for most of the part a fucking bunch of irresponsible lazy bums, disrespectful to their elder peers, void of any knowledge, lack crually selfconfidence, don't have any forward thinking ability and behave very badly.
Ha ha...remember this debate we had, georges? I offered statistics and sources, and you countered with "nu-uh!" Here, for the thread and debate at large, let me dig up some of the post...
They're not tolerant. They're indifferent.
Many post 1986 born people are a bunch of lazy bums, they have no respect for their elder peers and have no damn sense of analysis, realism and forward thinking.

Simply put: wrong. All you have to do is look at the trends: see the National Service's volunteering review, second bullet on the left. In case you're not a fan of pdfs (I'm not usually), it says:
The rate of volunteering among older teenagers today (28.4%) is more than double what it was in 1989 (13.4%) and 36% higher than in 1974 (20.9%).
Your generation, perhaps? To be fair, though, I use this number strictly as a defense and not a comparison - the review also shows that those older generations are more involved now in volunteering.

Even abroad, I met some post 1986 born people who weren't able to read a road map nor to plan their expenses.

I can do those things (born in '88!). What does that tell you about my generation? As much as your anecdotal notes do.

Ultimately, I agree with those saying that it's timeless that the older generations will always say the younger ones don't know as much. I think this is in part because the younger generations know different things and see the world differently. I, personally, can type far more quickly than I can write, and my writing style has never been up to par. Naturally, someone raised on writing with a pen will scoff at my lack of penmanship, when, in reality, I'm not good with a pen because it's mostly irrelevant.

I read on a couple of .com sites while looking for the statistics above some observations of the generational differences, such as that the Millennial generation are much more comfortable with change, and are much more comfortable to simply switch jobs/careers if they feel unhappy with the one they have, as opposed to the typical Generation X response of simply sticking with the status quo. Read into it what you will. And if you think technology is to blame for these "apparent" trends of lesser intelligence by the newer generation, please give Steven Johnson's book a read.

On a final, last note, the Millennial generation even has lower crime rates:[**]

** I realize this link's dead now. I'll see if I can't replace it...


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Edit timer expired! Bah...

After reviewing that volunteering document and this one concerning workforce population (cited in my original post cited above), there's an interesting trend: it seems in terms of volunteering and the workforce, there's a fair dip in the 80's - the end of Generation X. The Millennial generation more or less simply returned to the levels set by the Baby Boomer generation.
Today's teenagers are the most tolerant generation in history

I don't think so. In my experience the Baby Boom generation features the highest % of genuinely tolerant individuals.

A short attention span seems to be the current generation's most salient characteristic.