Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Could you blame us for being apathetic with the state the job market and economy is in? I'm worried about my future and what I'll do once I graduate and I'm sure I'm not the only one worried.
Hmm. Well, here's a quote for you that I'd like for you to think about: "Every generation's memory is exactly as long as its own experience." --John Kenneth Galbraith
When I was in college, the economy also sucked. Not as bad as now, but unemployment was high and interest rates were high. Heck, think about how an American boy would have felt if he was graduating from high school or college in the mid 60's? Being forced to go to southeast Asia to die for someone else's cause wouldn't set well with me. Facing challenges and hardships is not a very good excuse for becoming apathetic. If anything, it should prompt one to action.
As a young person, I am not discounting the challenges that you're facing. But at the same time, realize that your perspective is limited by your experiences thus far in life. What you're facing is not the worst thing that's ever been faced by young people.
And to your point, yeah, I do think that today's youngest generation doesn't get as wound up about some of the social things that wound up previous generations.