Today's teenagers are the most tolerant generation in history

I agree with most of what this article says as I'm a millennial myself and I have a very diverse group of friends. I'm Mexican but I have friends who are White, Black, Latino, and Filipino. I have a friend who is Latino who is dating an Asian girl and I know a few gay people as well. I, as well as my friends, am cool with all this and I don't make a big deal about it. I guess I just don't see people in terms of color, sexuality, or religion.
Actually, I'm just finalising a deal for a book about this. This isn't indifference, it is second generation apathy. It is astonishing how apathetic the current generation facing college is.

Actually, I'm just finalising a deal for a book about this. This isn't indifference, it is second generation apathy. It is astonishing how apathetic the current generation facing college is.


Could you blame us for being apathetic with the state the job market and economy is in? I'm worried about my future and what I'll do once I graduate and I'm sure I'm not the only one worried.


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Actually, I'm just finalising a deal for a book about this. This isn't indifference, it is second generation apathy. It is astonishing how apathetic the current generation facing college is.

I blame the internet.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
They're not tolerant. They're indifferent.

So basically you're saying the world is starting to come together by the fact nobody cares enough to bother giving a crap anymore? Sadly that's an improvement from the worlds past history where more people went out of their way to hate other people.
Too much of anything is not a good thing... Moderation in all things, even "tolerance". This generation seems to have little motivation for working hard, and is too tolerant of shitty music, behavior, and many other things IMHO... and most of all, patience!:2 cents:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Those little bastards need a rolled up newspaper upside the head, especially the sunday periodical! And stay off my lawn! And don't vandalize my manger or holiday nativity it took me a month to find a replacement wiseman for it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Shh..... Don't tell them, keep it a secret.
They are for most of the part a fucking bunch of irresponsible lazy bums, disrespectful to their elder peers, void of any knowledge, lack crually selfconfidence, don't have any forward thinking ability and behave very badly.