To be clear, it was not my suggestion that this gentleman should find another girl, or that he should leave his wife. I stated a simple fact that a loss of intimacy in a relationship does sometimes lead to this happening. That's life and it is a fact. There are far too many divorces in the U.S. and the western world, and far too many childen grow up without the benefit of both parents being in their lives. So I really hope that these two do work it out, which is why I suggested couples therapy. It certainly sounds like he wants it to work. And though we only have his side of the story, I am not about to agree that it is only up to him to make this work. It is up to both of them. Making any relationship work is a two way street. Modern PC double standards tend to ignore that realization.
A fellow that I worked with years ago developed diabetes. The disease resulted in him becoming impotent. This was before the days of Viagra and other ED drugs. After about a year, his wife left him and sued him for a divorce on loss of intimacy grounds. If there were not double standards in the courts (which I feel there quite often are), she should have been patient and sympathetic to the fact that he had a life altering and very serious disease. But the judge seemed to agree with her position, that the marriage should not continue if her sexual needs could no longer be met. Not nice. But as I said, that's life.
So, again, I hope that jasonk282 and his wife work this out. But no, I'm not going to agree that he is in any way, shape or form the bad guy here - I don't care if he jerks off 20 times a day. From what he has said, he has not done what many other men have done, or would do. Rather than tell him to suck it up or he doesn't have it so bad, I prefer suggesting a course of action where both people contribute to making this marriage work for both of them. If she's not willing to do that, then I guess what happens happens.
Just :2 cents: from the happy, confirmed bachelor... with no kids.
The fact that BOTH of our parents are divorced and when we get engaged we made a vow to each other that we would not end up like our parents. I know what she is going through is hard and challenging, I was in the deliverly room holding her leg while she was giving birth, that was the most beautiful thing I have every saw what my child being born. Our work scheduals are now conflicting as I was working days when the first few months but now got promoted to another location and am working the 12-9 shift so I am home late and she has to get up early. I understand that it's hard for her to be intimate when she has to get up at 6 and work all day then take care of him at night. Really all that I am asking for is sex at the least once a week.
Tonight she took him to a local amsument park in Pittsburgh and got homew late, she built his high chair and after that when she was pumping she was falling asleep. I am by no means pressuring her and with her working in a medical field I am schooled in the medical conditions that she could be suffering from. Just getting to a professional doctor would really be hard to do with our conflicting work scheduals and her working 12 hours days. So i just endure and life goes on I guess. The though of me actuallying being unfaitful has never crossed my mind