If I was a purely selfish person I would probably want to see it, but I'm not. Remember that going full hardcore is like shooting a bullet. Once it's out there is no pulling it back, no matter if you think you made a mistake after it happened, and no matter how much you may want to. The repercussions of that action are largely out of your control from that point on. It's something you must be right about before you do it. It's even worse now. Ten years ago porn was in much better shape financially than it is now. It's harder to make it than it's been in the industry for a long time.
I would say it's alright to do it if:
1. You from now on into the future know or at least have a very good idea that you will never suffer from the stigma that goes with it, or at least you know now that you won't care about it and it won't bother you. It's not fair, but it's going to exist.
2. You are financially set enough where things go bad that you have backups in place, and you take into account how being in porn can effect any future job you have, because people will find out about it eventually. Things like going and working in an office somewhere once you have been in full hardcore probably isn't an easy thing to do once your co-employees find out.
3. You actually want to do this, and it's something you will genuinely like, or at a bare minimum is something that doesn't bother you. If you are end up doing it because you hurting for money and you need to make rent next month, that's a terrible reason for doing it, and it's worse than the alternative and probably won't end well.
4. You tightly limit yourself to what you are comfortable doing and never under any circumstances sell out your principles and go beyond your boundaries.
5. Realize that making it big is a very hard thing to do and involves a lot of luck. Don't have any delusions about making it big. If that happens then it's a huge bonus, but do it because you like it and want to do it.
6. You have no problems with very intimate things being out in the world for everybody to see, pretty much indefinitely.
7. You make sure you control as much of your own content as possible, and have the rights to it or as much as you can get. A lot of models and pornstars get screwed over by others taking advantage of them.
8. Most people that have success in the industry have to work hard to do it and still probably have to get lucky. There is marketing yourself and being in contact with your fans and other people that support your career. The people that think they can just look pretty while others take pictures and videos of them are usually the ones whose careers don't last as long and aren't as good as they could be.
With all that said (actually there is probably still a lot I'm forgetting.) if for some reason you do go that direction take my advice, save as absolutely much money from it as possible. Even the best people's careers don't last that long and
You Might need it to last a long time. Don't go out and buy expensive things or blow it away.
You Might really need it after your career is over.
To be honest I wouldn't recommend it for you unless it's something you are really into and your going to do it just because you like it that much. There are just too many pitfalls where something can go wrong. It's one of those things if you even have to question whether it's a good idea to do it then you shouldn't. You should either be absolutely sure or it shouldn't be done.