To all you Iphone/Apple haters...

iPhones are still a dumb stupid waste of money. I fucking hate apps and don't need 3G garbage.

...aaand if you need an iPhone to attract a woman, I feel sorry for you.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
First off, it isn't some status symbol for wealth. That's what BMW's are for. Anybody can get an iPhone. Go sign a 50 year contract and they'll give them to you for free. I've seen kids with iPhones. They must be loaded. :rofl:

I thought BMW's were a status symbol for being a douche. :dunno: There are plenty of people, fresh out of the oven, who drive Bimmers too - do they still wear dock shoes, khakis and those little shirts with alligators on them? Go to any car lot and they'll put you in a loan or lease and you can drive one of those POS off the lot. Lucky Louie's Used Cars has a lot full of 'em: "If you got a job, you can git a car!" Outside of the M series, they're generally poseur cars (IMO).

Second off, Apple is notorious for dumbing down their product so anybody can use them. You don't need to know shit about computers to be able to use an iPhone. Are these women taking their helmets off before taking part in this survey??

And there you have summed up the secret to Apple's incredible success. Imagine a car company where you'd have to be Michael Schumacher or Lewis Hamilton in order to drive it. I like to tinker with cars. But there are two things that I don't waste time trying to figure out (anymore!): computers and women. I still have a Mac+ that I bought in 1986. The damn thing still works!!! This weekend I'll be removing the hard drives from three Win boxes that I've bought since the mid 90's... so I can finally take them to the dump.

My gal-pal has an iPhone. She loves it. I like it too, what little I've played with it. But as long as you have to be tied to AT&T... :nono: The next iPod Touch is supposed to have a camera and some other features. That's what I'll be going for. And I don't want to look under its hood... I just want it to work.
I thought BMW's were a status symbol for being a douche. :dunno: There are plenty of people, fresh out of the oven, who drive Bimmers too - do they still wear dock shoes, khakis and those little shirts with alligators on them? Go to any car lot and they'll put you in a loan or lease and you can drive one of those POS off the lot. Lucky Louie's Used Cars has a lot full of 'em: "If you got a job, you can git a car!" Outside of the M series, they're poseur cars.

I'd like to know how you came to this logic, of a BMW being a "poseur" car... Doesn't make sense. E30's are fantastic, it doesn't have to be M to be good.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'd like to know how you came to this logic, of a BMW being a "poseur" car... Doesn't make sense. E30's are fantastic, it doesn't have to be M to be good.

I'm just not a Bimmer guy. Remember the age old rule: in car brand arguments, nothing has to make sense. :D

P.S.: From what I've seen, the same rule holds true for computer brand arguments.
I'm just not a Bimmer guy. Remember the age old rule: in car brand arguments, nothing has to make sense. :D

P.S.: From what I've seen, the same rule holds true for computer brand arguments.

Haha, right on. Just know they do make some good quality cars aside from the M series. I'm not a Bimmer guy either, hell I own a Honda, but I still have respect for most manufacturers for at least a couple cars they've done throughout their history. I'm just a car guy I guess :)
iPhones are still a dumb stupid waste of money. I fucking hate apps and don't need 3G garbage.

...aaand if you need an iPhone to attract a woman, I feel sorry for you.

That's what I thought until I got one, I'm loving it!!!!

Still sucking the Mac cock Roald?

You Apple WHORE!!!!

I don't have a Mac :dunno:

Posted from my iPad :hi:
I thought BMW's were a status symbol for being a douche. :dunno: There are plenty of people, fresh out of the oven, who drive Bimmers too - do they still wear dock shoes, khakis and those little shirts with alligators on them? Go to any car lot and they'll put you in a loan or lease and you can drive one of those POS off the lot. Lucky Louie's Used Cars has a lot full of 'em: "If you got a job, you can git a car!" Outside of the M series, they're generally poseur cars (IMO).

I'm just using BMW as an example. I think BMW and I think expensive car. Maybe I should have used Ferrari or Bentley. You get the idea though. iPhones don't suggest anything besides the desire for a functioning, reliable phone.

Burning my eyes out with candles now!!!!:ban:

How do you know you're not would have a little vomit in your mouth after seeing that...
How do you know you're not would have a little vomit in your mouth after seeing that...

What if the aforementioned vomit didn't remain in my mouth, but instead ended up all over my steering wheel? Does that make me gay? :helpme:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Haha, right on. Just know they do make some good quality cars aside from the M series. I'm not a Bimmer guy either, hell I own a Honda, but I still have respect for most manufacturers for at least a couple cars they've done throughout their history. I'm just a car guy I guess :)

If it helps at all, I tend make fun of (new) Ferraris too. :D

I got turned off on BMW's when I was in school and shortly thereafter. It seemed like every Daddy's girl/snobby sorority sister had a 3 series at my school. But yeah, BMW does make some very nice cars (and if you tell anyone I said that, I'll deny it to my grave!).

I'm just using BMW as an example. I think BMW and I think expensive car. Maybe I should have used Ferrari or Bentley. You get the idea though. iPhones don't suggest anything besides the desire for a functioning, reliable phone.

But if this is what women think, who am I to argue with them? :dunno: When I get my iPod Touch, I think I'm going to walk around talking into it. If they call me, I'll use my 8 year old Motorola. But when they're around me, I'll make & take fake phone calls on my iPod. With some polishing and practice, hell, I might be able to pass myself off as a playa one of these days!

I gotta get one of those alligator shirts and some dock shoes though. :yahoo:
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I KNEW IT! I'm sure I posted somewhere that dudes how sport the iPhone will get nooky galore :bowdown:

(why does it have to be FixedBusiness supporting me :weeping:)

Will these ladies want to ride me and my iTouch?? :o
If Verizon had the Iphone I would have bought one too, but AT&T service sucks, period. I'll take my Droid and be plenty happy with it.