And Rome went from ruling an empire that covered Europe, Middle East and Northern African to being totally wiped out.
It's called History you moron : Great empires rises, become to world's dominant power and then fall into oblivion.
Great empires rises, become to world's dominant power and then fall into oblivion.
Like Macron's approval ratings.
Daily Caller needs fact-checked on a per-article basis, literaly the definition of Fake News. Rest of the entry well worth reading at the link.
You will resort me always the same argument with media bias fact check but I really couldn't care less, she is linked to radical islamists that is enough worthy to point out.
I know, you don't care about Fake News, unless you're squawking about it from, The Left, most of which gets that label by Trumptard isn't.
Obama muppet goes perfectly to the cnn, msnbc, cbs and abc which perfectly describes the facty that their audience is sadly extremely gullible and naive.
Haven't you seen the joys of radical islamism with Saddiq Khan in England or the rapes and the murders committed by radical islamists in Sweden, Denmark,Germany and France?
I don't think we have the same definition of justice. Most of the democrats side with radical muslim congresswomen such as Talib and Omar and don't even put in question their beyond disgusting antisemitism.
Is that the so called liberal way of tolerance???
No. But if you would like to address each of those four scattered shots, pick one and I'll be happy to destroy your worldview.
No, you can't prove that she is that tolerant. Destroying my worldview??? I am not the one who praised and dreamed about Obama's failed and fucked up policies during 8 damn years . She is the scum that the democrats seem to be fond of and rave about , well that shows a lot of the supposed tolerance coming from the so called tolerant left
I've already destroyed your, "sociaism is teh suck" worldview, you're just not smart enough to realize it. Seems the rest of your worldview is swallowing as much Trump sperm as possible.
You haven't destroyed anything as much as hard you have tried, don't start me about how smart I am ,I have seen more than enough what have given the failed and fucked up policies of socialism in my country as well as in other european countries whereas you haven't. In your imaginary world, you wish that you have destroyed something but irl you haven't. The rest of my worldview doesn't like parasites, illegals, criminals, frauds and leech offs but also doesn't drink the Obama's koolaid nor the Clinton swine 's koolaid.
I ain't done picking on you, yet, georges. Tell me more about why you're such a, "conservative" Muppet? I've already destroyed your, "socialism!!11!! zomg", argument, so tell me what else you're hanging onto so I can burn that to the ground, too.
Tell me then why a lot of south american and european countries which have turned into socialist regimes are experiencing problems??? You can burn the dream of thinking that you have destroyed my supposed socialism 11 bu it is just in your imagination. But anyone who is enough down to earth, knows how much Democrats love people like Tlaib or any other despicable person like her who is proning antisemitism and socialism.
I am a conservative first because I believe in borders,capitalism, patriotism and support law enforcement and military . Obamacare has more downsides than positives.