Wow - okay thanks for the negative feed back. Just because my nude stuff is out there (without my consent) Doesnt mean that NO ONE is going want to see me . I dont understand that massive infatuation on my body. Are you forgetting I have a face? a figure? or are you just fixated on my chest and ass, and if thats the case then you arent the crowd that I myself and aiming to please. When I said i wanted the passed pictures gone, it had nothing to do with not wanting to work in the modeling industry, it just means that i have high morals that were broken due to inconsisderate photographers. I am launching my own site to revamp my image into the category that I strive to be in. If you have a problem with the fact that I am not going to be doing nude anymore then i suggest that you focus your energy onto another girl because I wont be doing that anymore. As I said - I will continue the implied work but as for revealing my boobs dont count on it. I apologize to the fans that tend to want that kind from me more, but i wont let it sway my personal goals. Like I said - if that is what you want, then I am no longer the image for you, so move on. But for my other fans who understand why I am changing avenues and going a different route, thanks so much, and I will give yall the information for my new site as soon as I launch it. Thanks again yall