I appreciate your effort to contribute to the thread, but I kindly ask that people try to stick as closely as possible to the subject. These pics show large breasts in a wet white t-shirt. In a coupla pics the breast are pulled out and hanging from the TOP of the shirt (very different effect), but mostly it's shots of the tits in the wet shirt, being squeezed, etc.
Once again, let's aim for pics where the tit is peeking out or poking out from the BOTTOM of a cut-off or rolled up t-shirt (or, maybe, bikini, hitched up dress, whatever - but t-shirt is IDEAL!). It is also best if the nipples are NOT showing in at least one of the photos (if you link to a gallery), otherwise it's just pics of a girl flashing her titties, and there's nothing terribly unique or thread-worthy about that, I don't think. We're NOT just looking for this:
And from what I can see, Seamus, even that 2nd link doesn't quite qualify. I hope that readers of this thread understand (or even sympathize with!) the specific erotic niche that I am describing here.
Yes, it's great to see big tits, tits in wet/c-thru t-shirts, etc., but the idea here is a bit more subtle than that. So let's stay in track, please. We're all in this together, right? Ok, thank you for reading!
:nono: :wave2: