Titfucking - The Thread!!! (Pics or Vids!) / Biggest tits you wanna titfuck

Mammary Intercourse Desire of the Week: Loving Diana ...

I keep forgetting to post in this thread. I'll try to remember when I find women who would qualify as some of the ultimate desires for mammary intercourse.

This week I'll visit (really re-visit for myself) Loving Diana, here's her thread.
Definitely my type of lover and a woman who makes an outstanding lust target for manhood in just the mammary flesh too.
Forward, hanging, sitting, sideways, fists clenched boulders and reverse down into her massively stuff bra (oh fuck yes), definitely!
We need more lesser-known babes ...

One of my latest favorites is Ginger/Ana of Silicone Free/Devine Breasts:

Damn those lovelies are tight bundled and balloon when unleashed. Total fantasy to have that size and softness. Right up there with my previous mentions of wide figures like Alicia Loren and Loving Diana, and then some. I really like that red topping and fanging nice hourglass.