Times rough so where are u guys doing your Holiday Shopping???

Gift shopping for the holidays, well, no girlfriend, so that saves me lots of cash, may buy a couple PS3 games instead, no kids either, my mom and granparents don't want me to spend unnecesarily on them since I help them out all year long plus I just gave my mom my old LCD TV since I bought myself a much bigger one. Christmas shopping season coming and me with lots of cash but nobody to buy gifts for, maybe I'll go down to Mexico and spend it all on top quality hookers.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I live in the one place in North America that hasn't been hit by a recession.

So I'm going to not by gifts for anyone again.
Unless you have kids that are under 18 or you're buying for a spouse........SAVE YOU'RE MONEY!!! So tough times shouldn't bother you.:2 cents:
My fiancee will get a new Ipod from where ever I can find it cheapest

My mom gets boyd bears and they are cheap, I'l get her three at 20 a pop

My niece and nephew are both getting DS games from Toys R Us so they can return them if they don't like em.

That's all I have to buy so I don't really have to worry where I go. I'm glad I don't have twenty gifts to buy like some folks....

Member 1098

Closed Account
I mostly, I want to get books for Christmas. I really want to get;
Naked Ambitions by Michael Grecco. It has adult film star portaits, their pictures and much more.
I want books, cute handbags, and cute writing pens.
I also want to get my WWE Divas Uncovered book. I love my WWE Divas.

I love to read, reading is fun :)
Me, deliberately trying to "piss people off"? Never! And I am offended you would even think so.

How about we move Christmas to December 26th. Not for any special reason, just so that those who anger easily can ask the question "why?" and we can answer "because we said so, now shut the fuck up and get back in your hole!”

Perfect. :D

That sounds nearly right, but could we change it to,

"Because we said so, biatch, now shut your pathetic pie hole before i fill it with balls that are blue!"

And I think it should be December 27th, just to make it one day more abstract.
Well I'm fan on a lot companies on Facebook and saw this laptop for $250 todayhere

Also got a free pizza last week from Pappa Johns for being a fan of them on Facebook so there is one tip to save money


Re: Times rough so where are u guys doing your Holiday Shopping???

The grocery store and the kitchen :hatsoff:

I bake well ! :o :yummie:

I'll probably also smoke up a batch of salmon and sacrifice some of my venison (frozen now) and make up a batch of jerky. I bought one of those vacuum packer thing - o - majiggers a few years ago and it's time to put it to good use. :glugglug:
Mostly on-line and thrift stores. Not an big tech toy fan and want to avoid the stampede, "get out of way" crowd on Black Friday. Really not in a big want, have to have it right now mood. I am going to sell my gold coins 2morrow and wait to see what good deals catch my eye between Turkey Day and X'MAS.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I buy wherever my penis wants me to take it. Little fella has been abused all its life, it's nice for it to get out in public every once in a while, and during the crowded Black Fridays, it just seems to blend in.
Nope. I am glad to be able to provide a decent Christmas year after year. :hatsoff:
I hate to even think about Christmas if I don't get a job soon. :crying:
Not going to be celebrating Christmas this year. Lost my apartment, my car, my job, and my girl, so um yeah, I'm doing good!