I put the fault on her. That's right, her. When you get married, you make vows before yourselves and God to stick with your spouse, good or bad, sick or healthy, rich or poor, etc. Period. Unless your spouse is trying to kill you, then you made a vow to stick with them no matter what. If you can't do that, then don't get married, simple as that. People just don't give a shit about words and promises nowadays. She breaks her vow to be with him forever and HE has to pay millions? Fuck the system.
No saying he was in the right with cheating on her (I can neve rjustify cheating), but fuck, think about what promises you make before you make them. That goes for anyone that gets divorces. I myself will never get married. I can't and won't make a vow to stick with someone forever because I'd walk away the minute they piss me off. Sure, that maks me an asshole, but I'm honest about it to them and myself. Marriage doesn't mean shit nowadays.
I hate Scarface, but his "I only have my word and my balls" quote is true. If a person can't keep his word, then he isn't worth shit in my eyes.a
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! DUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!! Youre fuckin tellin us that if it was discoverd your wife was FUCKING 13 different men in ongoing affairs that lasted a couple of years in some instances.....and mind you these are just the ones we are hearing about...but anyway, you find out your wife is FUCKIUNG and SUCKING every one of those dicks you'd fucking stay with her cos you made a vow, the same vow your hypothetical slut wife was breaking????????
wow, just fucking wow. at what point are you not held accountable to a mutual oath when the other person is shitting all over that oath? the vow became null and void when he went out and started fucking everything that moved and put his wife at risk for STDs and god knows fucking what else. hell one of the sluts he was with was trying to get pregnant without him knowing it. i'd say she has every right to bitch slap his sorry ass with every god damn golf club she can lay her hand on.
and to the OP, gold digger? do you know her? have you met her? fuckin unreal, why do you guys want to suck Tiger's dick so bad? cos he's a celebrity? cos one of his whores said he was well endowed? fuckin unreal.
i'm just amazed at how many people come out of the wood work to fucking demonize her. she didnt fucking do anything from what we've heard but lets fuckin crucify her, cos that makes us look capable of abstract thought.
and fuck tiger woods and his pussy ass for not defending her when all these dipshits come out of the woodwork and call her a whore, gold digger or whatever else. he's a pussy cos he just hides in the vagina of one of his whores and lets people talk shit. be a fucking man tiger and grow a pair and come out and defend her after you fucking humiliated her. can he at least do that? fuck no.
not saying i wouldnt have cheated, hell i probably would have, hell i'm certain i would have, so i can't blame him there. but its the shit thats happened since then that's really bugged me about tiger.
i have quite a few ex girlfriends, not wives, but girlfriends. i don't really owe them anything. but if someone started talking shit about 'em then they fuckin better be ready for a 6'5" 235 llb ball of fury with a decent left hook coming right at them. why? cos thats just the way i am. i really liked tiger before all this, i still think he's an incredible golfer, maybe the best. but i'm dissappointed not only by his actions, but his reactions to his actions. its easy to be a holy man on a mountain, a real man is defined by how he handles the conflict around him....so far, tiger has proved to be nothing but a pussy in that aspect.
her fault my ass.