Tiger Woods Is Right?

i dont understand what the fuck people expect from this little guy...
maybe they should blame his bitchy wife, what if you want something and your wife says no? there is always someone in the market says YES, and if you can afford it, you will do it, and everybody gets happy, Tiger, His Wife, And The bitch :)
i dont understand the sponsors either, ATT cancelled the sponsorship contract, i did not know they were paying Tiger all that money for being a faithfull husband?
so now everybody hates him as a golf player because he cheated on his wife? he is still one of the best players, no matter what he does i like his talent...
i hate Kobe Bryant in person, his attitude, his arrogant look, but i adore and respect his talent, i believe he is making a lot of money when he makes me buy NIKE Shirts, Shoes ETC
well see here is thing...the majority of the world doesn't think like you do. ATT and whoever that backed out did so because they know if they continue to stick with him then people may think they are supporting his cheating. Wierd and corky i know but that is how a lot of people with simple minds think. And sir the majority of the world is simple minded.
I don't know what Tiger's personal case is with this but he's anything but "right".

I believe he may have just got accustomed to a certain (fucking around) lifestyle and when he got married just never turned it off.

If he wanted his wife to keep putting out...don't get her knocked up so often. She just hatched a couple of kids...maybe she was having hormone issues...if that was the case...the Woods' have enough money to work out her situation..

There are many reasons to cheat..not many excuses though.:2 cents:

I don't think he ought to be judged on his personal failings though. People don't watch Tiger because of his personal life (per se). They watch for his strokes on a golf course not in his bedroom.


Official Checked Star Member
I don't think he ought to be judged on his personal failings though. People don't watch Tiger because of his personal life (per se). They watch for his strokes on a golf course not in his bedroom.

I'd agree with that, but when any sports star choses to splash his face on advertisements, tv, magazines etc to endorse products and thus earn a big paycheck...then he himself is choosing to raise his level of celebrity. If he just golfed, and went home to call it a day, I'd agree. But over the years he's been flashing the world with his smile and his face and persona while making millions upon millions of dollars. He's a celebrity. He puts himself out there to be judged by the public.

And besides the point, anyone who goes on the job and doesn't conduct himself properly would get fired anyways. Dude working at Mcd's coming in to work stoned will get him fired. Office employee sexing up the secretary and getting caught would get him in hot water. Tiger publically whoring himself out to anything that walks and thus creating the negative image...when his job is to have a positive image...is worthy of being fired IMO. His job to endorse products requires him to be a positive face to a companies product. His face and persona is now tarnished by his own doing. So...yeah I think its legit for AT&T or whoever to drop him.
If you are married stay with your wife. If you want to stray, know you will stray during marriage, or know you do not want just one woman:



Member, you member...
This story's relevance to my life, and should be to yours - zero.


Official Checked Star Member
If you are married stay with your wife. If you want to stray, know you will stray during marriage, or know you do not want just one woman:


qft. Its quite simple yet so many don't get it. :(
I'd agree with that, but when any sports star choses to splash his face on advertisements, tv, magazines etc to endorse products and thus earn a big paycheck...then he himself is choosing to raise his level of celebrity. If he just golfed, and went home to call it a day, I'd agree. But over the years he's been flashing the world with his smile and his face and persona while making millions upon millions of dollars. He's a celebrity. He puts himself out there to be judged by the public.
I tend to agree with the premise that image goes with deal. What I disagree with is the notion that his image gets endorsements per se. They know one thing about Tiger, he can get low scores on a golf course and people like to what him do it (play golf:cool:).

It's on you the endorser if on that basis you decide to have a person represent your product.

Of course if a person is engaging wantonly in behavior that which besmirches his/her image an endorser has a responsibility to sever ties with the individual.

But they weren't paying Tiger to be a perfect husband to his wife...they paid him to say..."see, I use their shit and you should too..." Or, in some cases serve as a walking billboard with their brand on his noggin, torso or feet.

There is no excuse for being unfaithful but it is a private, complexed issue that in the rare case becomes the business of your business associates IMO.

If the guy is out breaking laws left and right or passed out drunk or stoned on the outside of some club...then of course...fucking around (even if habitually) not so sure.

And besides the point, anyone who goes on the job and doesn't conduct himself properly would get fired anyways. Dude working at Mcd's coming in to work stoned will get him fired. Office employee sexing up the secretary and getting caught would get him in hot water. Tiger publically whoring himself out to anything that walks and thus creating the negative image...when his job is to have a positive image...is worthy of being fired IMO. His job to endorse products requires him to be a positive face to a companies product. His face and persona is now tarnished by his own doing. So...yeah I think its legit for AT&T or whoever to drop him.

Tiger wasn't fucking Uchitel (sp?) on the back 9.:cool: It's legit for them to drop him only because it's their prerogative not because it makes any particular sense.
"The American People" tolerate celebrities and athletes making gazillions of dollars for entertaining us PROVIDED they uphold a sense of morality that "we" agree with.

1. They must do charity work and not profit from charity work.
2. They must not do anything illegal ever.
3. They must settle down and have a "traditional" family, either with first or second marriage. Any more marriages means anger within the American people. Marriage isn't supposed to be a disposable commodity like buying an outfit.
4. Serial adultery is unacceptable and unforgettable.

The real gray area is do we accept a single instance of infidelity with our celebrities and our own personal/professional/social lives?