The guy was from another country, Hungary I think. I'm not too sure if he knew about her past or not, perhaps he did. And even if he didn't, he had to consider himself one lucky man to be out with such a beauty. However, he came off as sort of dorky and not knowing what to say or do, so maybe he did know about her past, but didn't know whether to approach her about it, or how or when. Personally i think they were just incompatible. I wonder if he were to have brought up her porn career, if they would have even aired the footage. Perhaps Tia, or should i say Christina, doesn't want too many more people to know, or would like to leave that experience behind. All i know is, if i was the guy, i think i would have blown it too because i would have been too overjoyed, and she would probably be able to figure out that i know about her previous career. O well, hope to see her in something soon, even if it's not porn. Keep on rockin and rollin!!