

I love when the weather becomes mild/semi-violent. I don't know why, but thunderstorms just say summertime to me and they're relaxing.

It's raining pretty hard here currently. :)

Who else loves thunderstorms?
I love when the weather becomes mild/semi-violent. I don't know why, but thunderstorms just say summertime to me and they're relaxing.

It's raining pretty hard here currently. :)

Who else loves thunderstorms?

It's a common fascination with the awesome power that mother nature can and does display. I'm a self-proclaimed tornado nut- I love 'em, and have seen several. There are so few things anymore that make us, as humans, feel vulnerable and helpless, but when nature wants something, it gets it. You can't stop it, you can't do anything but just watch and admire it.

I love storms.


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
It's a common fascination with the awesome power that mother nature can and does display. I'm a self-proclaimed tornado nut- I love 'em, and have seen several. There are so few things anymore that make us, as humans, feel vulnerable and helpless, but when nature wants something, it gets it. You can't stop it, you can't do anything but just watch and admire it.

I love storms.


I am the same exact way, I love tornado's I wish I had the pleasure of seeing one, but not yet, I know I am fuckin crazy for wishing a tornado came close enough for me too see, but I am fascinated by them, I always watch whenever theres tornado shows on the discovery chan, tlc, A & E & all the channels that show weather related material and the like etc... they are just amazing to watch & admire, all that power that is unleashed its wicked indeed, I can't think of anything that comes close too being as ruthlessly violent, but @ the time stunningly beautiful & amazing @ the same time. :dunno::2 cents::hatsoff:
I am the same exact way, I love tornado's I wish I had the pleasure of seeing one, but not yet, I know I am fuckin crazy for wishing a tornado came close enough for me too see, but I am fascinated by them, I always watch whenever theres tornado shows on the discovery chan, tlc, A & E & all the channels that show weather related material and the like etc... they are just amazing to watch & admire, all that power that is unleashed its wicked indeed, I can't think of anything that comes close too being as ruthlessly violent, but @ the time stunningly beautiful & amazing @ the same time. :dunno::2 cents::hatsoff:

You should try getting blown down the side of a hill at night by a tornado while you're in a tent. Awesome fun for the whole family. :eek:
Thunderstorms are for wussies. Tornados is where it's at. At least from what I've seen on TV. Far more thrilling [and terrifying] to watch and that's just on TV. I'd love to see one up close and when I mean up close I mean UP CLOSE but not too up close to cause myself serious injury [some injury would be worth it though]. I'd video tape the whole experiance. We don't get Tornado's over here in Scotland sadly. I'd throw all the wee Neds [Chav's] into them if we did have them.


I'm a self-proclaimed tornado nut- I love 'em, and have seen several.
Aren't they best approached coming from the Southwest, kinda get behind them ? In other words, don't they generally travel in a northeasterly direction ? Don't attempt to chase them by crossing their path ! :dunno: :confused:

Not that you're out challenging them or anything. :D

Honest now, you have at least once, no ?

We don't have tornados or hurricanes in Scotland,so thunderstorms will have to do :thefinger

How about Cyclones, Typhoons or Monsoons :) :confused:

earthquakes ? :jester:
I love when the weather becomes mild/semi-violent. I don't know why, but thunderstorms just say summertime to me and they're relaxing.

It's raining pretty hard here currently. :)

Who else loves thunderstorms?

I thought I was crazy, but yes I feel the same way. This is going to save mee $200 per. hour. thanks!
i love thunderstorms if they happen during the day i try to stand outside and watch them until the lighting gets to bad . at night if it storms im asleep an in instant the rain and thunder can be calming


what the fuck you lookin at?
Love em!
I love when the weather becomes mild/semi-violent. I don't know why, but thunderstorms just say summertime to me and they're relaxing.

It's raining pretty hard here currently. :)

Who else loves thunderstorms?

Nicely put. Agreed, especially when you're safely tucked away indoors, especially at night, they are both fascinating and mesmerizing :)