Thump,Thump ! Let me in, I am commanding you.

Oh, just a gentle request.


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Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Can you imagine seeing that first thing in the morning.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Can you imagine seeing that first thing in the morning.

I'd certainly prefer that to some of the awkward conversation that ensues when you wake up next to a girl you don't remember meeting. Just throwing that out there...
This has to be the dumbest mercenary I ever met! He left his gator skin on! Dumbass!


Drunk gator fan coming home after the national championship game, only to see his wife in bed with a Texas LONGhorn.
I'd certainly prefer that to some of the awkward conversation that ensues when you wake up next to a girl you don't remember meeting. Just throwing that out there...

And of all of those one times it's happened to you....didn't you end up making her breakfast anyway?
Hes been watching the velociraptor scene in Jurassic park too loong.
We've had some situations here in FLA where gators have walked into people's houses

That is why I am on the second floor