Thor is coming!

I was never really into Doctor Strange until the recent Marvel Ultimate Alliance video game. I might go pick up the Doctor Strange animated dvd that comes out this week. With this Thor annoucement, they are getting closer to an Avengers movie.
Now they're really stretching. Soon it will be Atom! MadderEaterLad!

I just want to see a Green Arrow movie so that we can have some hottie play Black Canary. :thumbsup:

that might be pretty cool. they should get zack wild to do the sound track.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I think.. they shouldnt have BURNT THEIR BRIDGES with all their previous movies. X-men.. 3 movies? Are you frickin' kidding me? Thats one of the longest, most convoluted comic books in the biz. They couldve stretched it out to a dozen flicks and still never ran outta material.

Daredevil? Elektra? One shot deals, huh.. well bullseye was cool. Kingpin.. was.. black. The stories were weak, and the movie too short. Get Peter Jackson on the phone, please. I want a four hour epic to pay homage to all marvel greats.

Fantastic four? If Jessica Alba and the dude from Nip/Tuck(One of my old fave series) werent in those flicks.. they wouldnt be worth watching.


Punisher.. not a bad flick. Totally changed the origin. Didnt have enough maturity for my tastes. Punisher is a dark, tortured dude. Punisher will hang you by your toes and blast you in the face in a heartbeat. The movie.. honestly wasnt awful by far. But Travolta? Roy Scheider? The russian guy fighting.. heh, that's classic punisher. A bit cheesy, but eh. Whatever.

Now Thor.. norse mythology doesnt seem like a good fit with American cinema. And.. I just dont like the Marvel track record. They've disapointed me far too often.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I would like to see Black Widow - she is hot, but she is the ultimate women's lib babe, I'd say :thumbsup:

And yeah, an Avengers movie with Scarlet Witch, Ironman, Vision, etc.

The 90ies avengers would be a great story :bowdown:
thor already was in a movie. have any of you ever seen adventures in babysitting? thor is a pansy, just like in the comics.
Marvel has been on the money with movies lately.. Iron man is coming soon.... Plus I heard that they may be doing another Ghost rider movie..:D
thor already was in a movie. have any of you ever seen adventures in babysitting? thor is a pansy, just like in the comics.
Yeah, he was a younger Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.
i wanna know when they are gonna do a captain america movie?
They did already and it was total crap.The Red Skull only had a "red skull" in the very beginning of the movie,after that his face was just really scarred.

As for a Thor movie,I have to agree with a previous post and say that Marvel hasn't had a very good track record lately with their movies.DC's movies are kickin' Marvel's ass right now.even though some may not be liked by all(Superman Lives,Constantine,technically under the Vertigo banner,but still DC),at least the overall tone of these movies are more adult themed instead of the typical Hollywood,PG-13,milk it for all it's worth bullshit(exept for Catwoman,WTF were they thinkin'?:dunno:).All I can say is that if Thor ain't played by Triple H, I won't even bother.