Roseanne 2012 or The Day After?
M Member442 Feb 23, 2011 #7,364 Hammock they can go camping waterbeds not so movable camping in tent or trailer?
Montrealman Feb 23, 2011 #7,365 Before 30 it was tents all the way, now, trailer. Tennis or Racketball(Squash)?
Montrealman Mar 2, 2011 #7,369 As long as they're female and attractive to my liking, then BOTH! Acoustic guitar or Classical guitar?
As long as they're female and attractive to my liking, then BOTH! Acoustic guitar or Classical guitar?
HeartBroker Mar 2, 2011 #7,370 Both are acoustic but given the choice, classical Acoustic or Electric?
jimnt Mar 3, 2011 #7,371 electric. Acoustic is much more technically hard to do, on the other hand, I like the screaming guitar. Jazz or Blues
electric. Acoustic is much more technically hard to do, on the other hand, I like the screaming guitar. Jazz or Blues
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Mar 3, 2011 #7,374 Both. And Rose. Red's my fav tho. Invade Libya or just stand back and watch?
kksguy Mar 6, 2011 #7,376 Deep Dish from Geno's East in Chicago belly buttons....... innies or outies
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Mar 11, 2011 #7,379 Touch choice! Ravioli I love me some ravioli di capra. M8 Bufford or the thunderbolt upgrade?
kksguy Mar 12, 2011 #7,380 vodkazvictim said: Touch choice! Ravioli I love me some ravioli di capra. M8 Bufford or the thunderbolt upgrade? Click to expand... Are you talking about the tank and the aircraft? If yes........Thunderbolt upgrade Intel Processors or AMD Processors
vodkazvictim said: Touch choice! Ravioli I love me some ravioli di capra. M8 Bufford or the thunderbolt upgrade? Click to expand... Are you talking about the tank and the aircraft? If yes........Thunderbolt upgrade Intel Processors or AMD Processors