I wish I could make symbol sounds online...
That's so for true...who needs who more in the long run determines the outcome.
The USA can produce what it needs in-house under most all circumstances. There isn't a need, per se, and global economics is the most viable battlefield of the 21st Century and beyond, but if the need arose...
The politics of destruction requires a maturity most practitioners don't possess, and the vast majority of controlled warfare is more and more directed towards economic stability.
What most people don't see is how "over-negotiation" can be a generational "deal-killer"; the results of bad directional leadership can be generations of global marginalization!
Cynical or realistic...a country that doesn't make cars, electronics, and medical materials is not a player that can afford to make the cost of doing business too high.
Business is not merely Mardi Gras beads from China or SUVs from Korea...it's consumers and providers, bringing their best game.
The best consumer/provider set-up is when everybody benefits, the worst is captive markets where one or the other entity dominates.
Less bloodletting, more intense manuvering and higher stakes than mere territorial acquisition, global economics creates new connections and alliances that never existed before along old ethnic and political lines.
It also takes controlling power from the environs of the priveleged few and moves it outwards into the hands of the capable millions of new players who didn't have access before.
This is not what politicos who need teeming unhappy masses to be viable want.
Fear of losing power and privelege crosses all ethnic and regional borders...the more absolute the power, the greater the fear of losing it.
There is hope for a livable future for the global community, but it will take many generations of effort to achieve the next level.