correct. But this is why people should vote by all means against daddy o and the clinton bitch during the next presidential elections
As far as I know, Hillary isn't on the ticket - so it would be hard to vote against her (or for her). In fact, she's not even going to serve as Secretary of State if Obama does win a second term. That was announced months ago.
Unlike some on the left and the right, I am not a one issue voter. As you know, I am a gun owner and a Life Member of the NRA. See,
somewhat like our pal Sammy, "
I like guns. I have lots of them." too (it's quite likely that I have "several" more than Sammy does
). But I'm not all weird about it. They don't give me an erection. At least in public, I try to put on the face of normality. So just saying that you'll protect my gun rights, yet you have no practical plan for improving the economy, domestic infrastructure, education, foreign policy or the other things that I think are at least as important, will NOT get a candidate my vote. And if McCain/Palin had gotten into office, I sure as hell would need my guns, as I'd probably be reduced to hunting for my food by now.
Now Romney might very well win the election (assuming he makes it through the potential of a brokered GOP convention). He seems to have taken every conceivable position on every possible issue. So who knows what he will do, if elected. But no matter who is President in 2013, what some here seem to be forgetting (or just don't know) is that the President/Executive Branch does not make laws in the U.S. Sure, he can sign an Executive Order. But those can only go so far. The President does not have dictatorial powers. He is not Caesar, folks. So the same guns I have now (unless I sell some of them or drop dead), I will have in 2013, 2014 and 2020.
And before I would EVER cast a vote for someone like Santorum, or any other neocon or Evangelical wingnut, I would put my .44 Magnum in my mouth and swallow a bullet. I don't have a PhD in mathematics. I can't quote Shakespeare. And I'd rather watch F1 racing on Speed Channel than Masterpiece Theater on PBS. But I'm not a retard either. And although I may not be very bright, I am smart enough not to believe a politician who just says what he thinks I want to hear. The girl who sits on your lap in the strip club
after she spies the Rolex on your wrist and that politician are playing the same game. Are people really so simple and stupid that they can't see that??? :dunno: Almost everything about me screams "Republican!": my background, my gun ownership, income, career, some social beliefs, etc. And yet, with every passing year, I drift farther and farther away from that political brand. Why is that? Because, in my opinion, they now spend an inordinate amount of time trying to appeal to the lowest common denominators among us: the scared, the uneducated, the unrefined, the paranoid, the conspiracy theorists, the ones who rely more on emotion than facts and data... the haters. Call me a snob, if you want. But those are the people who I was brought up to avoid. So I can't just stop now, right?
I'm not a big fan of Obama. But until the Republicans can come up with a candidate that doesn't make me sick to my stomach, guess who ol' Rey C. is going to be votin' for this year?
In fact, I'm hoping for a viable third party at some point, that will put the interests of the United States and the citizens of this country
before the interests of ANY other. I should live so long...