Definitely abosultely amazing, but looking good. The photos in the original thread were great, looked really good there. Nice to see her taking care of herself.
I actually thought she was alright before. Better than now. She just looks unhealthy, and her giant square head doesn't suit her body. Reminds me of a bobblehead.
One thing is for sure, Sharon definitely knows what the hell she's doing when it comes to the music industry promotion and management, having said that, Kelly just might turn out to be a big surprise and take after her mum as opposed to being yet another down & out - drug addited - trust fund supported - LA tramp. (pick 'em )
I wish her all the best!
Aside - Ha! I recall reading one of Ozzy's interviews a while back and he said something to the effect of Sharon is responsible for my success as a solo artist, I'm just the monkey on the piano.