'This is urgent'

Will E Worm

Obama opens health summit: 'This is urgent'

President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies argued for sweeping health care overhaul Thursday in an extraordinary live-on-TV summit with Republicans who want far more modest changes.

With the daylong policy debate available from start to finish to a divided public, Obama and Democratic leaders cast the changes they want as critical to tackling an issue that's more pressing to many Americans than the nation's broken health care system - its still-hurting economy. After opening the summit with hugs and handshakes, Obama declared that even as politicians focus on propelling economic growth, they must also address "one of the biggest drags on our economy."

"We all know that this is urgent," he said.


This is "urgent" because I'm a one term President. :tongue:

This is "urgent" because I'm a one term President. :tongue:

Any idiot knows it's far better to win the 3rd and 4th quarters of a game than the 1st.

What will be urgent is hair restoration treatment for you and other Obama haters when he wins in Afghanistan and the economy turns around fully.:tongue:


Any idiot knows it's far better to win the 3rd and 4th quarters of a game than the 1st.

What will be urgent is hair restoration treatment for you and other Obama haters when he wins in Afghanistan and the economy turns around fully.:tongue:

Did you just fill a prescription or something ? :1orglaugh

economy turns around fully, under obama ?
Oh, well, at least I get to keep my full head of hair !:nanner: :glugglug:


Any idiot knows it's far better to win the 3rd and 4th quarters of a game than the 1st.

What will be urgent is hair restoration treatment for you and other Obama haters when he wins in Afghanistan and the economy turns around fully.:tongue:

I don't know much about the American economy so no comment there. But I am very curious to know what makes you think Obama or any American president can win in Afghanistan.

I'm just wondering if you might be thinking that because Obama was able to become the first black/mixed raced president that he will also find a way to become the commander in chief of the first invading army to win a war in Afghanistan. History suggests this is almost impossible. I don't see how he can do it. :2 cents: :dunno:
I don't know much about the American economy so no comment there. But I am very curious to know what makes you think Obama or any American president can win in Afghanistan.

I'm just wondering if you might be thinking that because Obama was able to become the first black/mixed raced president that he will also find a way to become the commander in chief of the first invading army to win a war in Afghanistan. History suggests this is almost impossible. I don't see how he can do it. :2 cents: :dunno:

It depends on what you define as the objectives. Winning in past senses meant an occupation that could effectively defend against guerrilla tactics.

We don't want to occupy Afghanistan (well at least this president doesn't) we are there to reduce the capability of a criminal enterprise from attacking the US, her allies and interests.

A prospect far more likely now that Obama has seemed to enlist real participation in the effort by Pakistan. Something previously not done...

Winning is rounding up and/or killing the criminal conspirators who launch attacks on the US, her allies and interests. What does the Taliban have to do with this? They are the harboring and protecting the conspirators.

This is "urgent" because I'm a one term President. :tongue:

As much shit and as stupid as Bush is, he wasn't a one term president! For GOD's sake, how many presidents have had a shoe throw at them? So after one year, you are already predicting Obama is gonna be a one term president? Well then please tell me who's gonna beat him? Sarah Palin?
As much shit and as stupid as Bush is, he wasn't a one term president! For GOD's sake, how many presidents have had a shoe throw at them? So after one year, you are already predicting Obama is gonna be a one term president? Well then please tell me who's gonna beat him? Sarah Palin?

Good point ,the 1st step to the next presidential election for the republicans and thus beating Obama is finding an actual person to oppose him that seems like a reasonable choice.While someone like a Palin might have appeal within some ranks of republicans I don't think anyone really beleives she could win the general election.

On this idea also that the health care problem (primarily the cost issue) is not urgent as Obama says it is is ridiculous.It was an urgent problem before Obama and probably will be still a huge problem after Obama the way things are going.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
:sing:You say it's urrrgent!.....
Sooo urrrgent!...
So-oh-oh urgent!
Just you wait and see, how urrrgent, my looove can be! it's urgent!...


@ the Mega Man. :)

I'd like to agree with you but I can't. If this was a Hollywood movie you'd be right. Spielberg would pay one of the best fiction writers to make sure the “good guys” that are always the Americans win at the end. I can just imagine Tom Cruise or Matt Damon in the lead role. I can picture the expensive action scenes and dramatic theme music as America saves the world from the bad guys.

The problem is in the real world “the truth is stranger than fiction.”

My favourite TV detective Columbo solved all his cases but if you ask a real detective I bet their clear up rate is probably no more than 40% or 50%.

We don't want to occupy Afghanistan (well at least this president doesn't) we are there to reduce the capability of a criminal enterprise from attacking the US, her allies and interests.

That’s not difficult. Naturally with America’s power and resources you will be able to achieve this in the short term but that’s not why 100s or 1000s of troops have given their lives in this war, is it? If all you achieve is a short term reduction then surely you must admit your government has failed?

Winning is rounding up and/or killing the criminal conspirators who launch attacks on the US, her allies and interests. What does the Taliban have to do with this? They are the harboring and protecting the conspirators.

Sure you've killed a few and I bet they've all been replaced so very little has changed in my eyes. I see no victory in sight. When are you guys gonna catch the main man Osama? Osama will probably still be free when Obama leaves office. :dunno:

So long as America has troops in Afghanistan you will be considered to be an occupying force. At some point in the near future the troops are coming home. I think within 6-12 months of “all” the American and most of the UN troops leaving Afghanistan the Taliban will reclaim power by any means necessary and we’ll be back in an almost identical situation as before 9/11. Perhaps worse as they will be even more intent on comitting more terror activities.

If I’m right then Bush and Obama will not have achieved anything except to have wasted a hell of a lot of money and far too many innocent lives. That’s no victory in my eyes.

Closing Guantanamo Bay has proved to be much more difficult than Obama thought. To achieve “anything” that Obama and his followers (I’m a big Obama fan by the way but that doesn’t mean I will support everything he does) and his advisors can spin to try and claim victory will be very difficult. It might be impossible. If, sorry, when the Taliban reclaim power it will be business as usual for your enemies, sadly.

Is Guantanamo closed yet? Any news on an ETA?


Don't listen to what your government tells you. :nono:
Actions speak louder than words.
Our governments are negotiating with the highest level of taliban. :ak47:
I don’t think they have a choice. :crying:


I just watched Obama's speach from Bagram Air base.
He's claiming America will defeat its enemies etc. :confused:
Good luck. :dunno:

I like the guy but he's a politician and that's the problem. :2 cents:
^^ I agree with what he said. :dunno:
Wishful thinking? :dunno:

^^ I agree with what he said. :dunno:

Even if it was "wishful thinking" where does it say "wishful thinking" can't also be true?

Consumer spending up, sign of decent recovery

WASHINGTON – Consumers spent modestly last month, a sign that the economic recovery is proceeding at a decent — but not spectacular — pace.


IMF foresees rapid US growth

WARSAW (AFP) – The US economy looks set to return to relatively rapid growth soon, International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said here on Monday.

"The US economy, whilst it has been hard hit by the crisis, may recover rather rapidly," Strauss-Kahn said in a speech at the Warsaw School of Economics, during a visit to Poland.


Dow eyes 11,000 as jobs data looms

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Dow industrials could hit 11,000 this week as investors bet the U.S. labor market had a significant turnaround in March, showing the economic recovery is in good shape.

The Dow and the S&P 500 are at their highest in nearly 18 months and the expected repositioning before Wednesday's end of the quarter could provide further support. With the Dow closing at 10,850.36 on Friday, it would need to rise 1.4 percent -- a tad less than 150 points -- to reach 11,000.



With the Dow closing at 10,850.36 on Friday, it would need to rise 1.4 percent -- a tad less than 150 points -- to reach 11,000.

I appreciate them doing the math on that for us. :1orglaugh

Anyone remember that when this whole mess started, all the talking heads were going on and on about how it was going to take years, perhaps even a decade to recover. I should have posted then how I thought it was a load of bullshit. We run into problems, we work to solve the problems, we solve the fucking problems, problems solved. It doesn't matter who the Prez is, doesn't matter who the Fed Chair is, doesn't matter who is in he majority, we solve the fucking problem. I'm going to go ahead and be happy...until the next thing comes along and pisses me off. :hatsoff:
I'm going to go ahead and be happy...until the next thing comes along and pisses me off. :hatsoff: