@ the Mega Man.
I'd like to agree with you but I can't. If this was a Hollywood movie you'd be right. Spielberg would pay one of the best fiction writers to make sure the “good guys” that are always the Americans win at the end. I can just imagine Tom Cruise or Matt Damon in the lead role. I can picture the expensive action scenes and dramatic theme music as America saves the world from the bad guys.
The problem is in the real world “the truth is stranger than fiction.”
My favourite TV detective Columbo solved all his cases but if you ask a real detective I bet their clear up rate is probably no more than 40% or 50%.
We don't want to occupy Afghanistan (well at least this president doesn't) we are there to reduce the capability of a criminal enterprise from attacking the US, her allies and interests.
That’s not difficult. Naturally with America’s power and resources you will be able to achieve this in the short term but that’s not why 100s or 1000s of troops have given their lives in this war, is it? If all you achieve is a short term reduction then surely you must admit your government has failed?
Winning is rounding up and/or killing the criminal conspirators who launch attacks on the US, her allies and interests. What does the Taliban have to do with this? They are the harboring and protecting the conspirators.
Sure you've killed a few and I bet they've all been replaced so very little has changed in my eyes. I see no victory in sight. When are you guys gonna catch the main man Osama? Osama will probably still be free when Obama leaves office. :dunno:
So long as America has troops in Afghanistan you will be considered to be an occupying force. At some point in the near future the troops are coming home. I think within 6-12 months of “all” the American and most of the UN troops leaving Afghanistan the Taliban will reclaim power by any means necessary and we’ll be back in an almost identical situation as before 9/11. Perhaps worse as they will be even more intent on comitting more terror activities.
If I’m right then Bush and Obama will not have achieved anything except to have wasted a hell of a lot of money and far too many innocent lives. That’s no victory in my eyes.
Closing Guantanamo Bay has proved to be much more difficult than Obama thought. To achieve “anything” that Obama and his followers (I’m a big Obama fan by the way but that doesn’t mean I will support everything he does) and his advisors can spin to try and claim victory will be very difficult. It might be impossible. If, sorry, when the Taliban reclaim power it will be business as usual for your enemies, sadly.
Is Guantanamo closed yet? Any news on an ETA?