Lets look at it this objectively.....
The criminal (now victim) is a 60 year old man. He is wheelchair bound.
The officer (now the criminal) is what? 40-ish, has full physical use of body.
The stupidity... the officer has used hand cuffs to bind a man confined to a wheelchair. The 60 year old man we have to assume cannot walk, yet, the officer cuffs the mans useless ankles to the wheelchair(?). Why not cuff his wrists?
The assault... I didn't get any audio, so I would have to assume there was none. Let's say the officer was getting hit with some pretty harsh "your Momma" jokes and the officer was emotionally wounded. This doesn't mean the officer should have struck the man a, dare I say it, NEEDLESS 10 times.
This is an obvious abuse of authority and power by a man that should now be behind bars for assault.
The 2 other officers should be charged as accomplices to the assault due to their negligence in just standing around.
Here's what SHOULD have happened:
The dirtbag officer gets upset and makes the first strike against the old man. Officer 1 should have interviened(sp?) with dirtbag officer and tactfully spoke to him AWAY from the oldman. Officer 2 should have grabbed the wheel chair and moved the oldman into the other room. Upon returning, Officers 1 and 2 escort dirtbag officer out of building then file a complaint with dirtbags superior officer, while filing assault charges on him as well.
BUT!!! This didn't happen and now we have another reason out of a handfull to distrust the police.