Awww, you get so bent out of shape if someone says political correctness is a sham. Thin skinned libby. Why aren't you over taking cheap shots at all the people who got crushed by that Indiana stage?
And for the record I listened maybe a minute. I could really give a shit less, but if it's political correctness is a double standard than that is obvious.
Jebus double dipping chips in a cheese dip, how in the purple fucking pope penis did you think this was an appropriate post?
The level of vitriol on this board is getting out of control. It could, however, be easily contained with three or four good bannings. I think it should start with anyone who takes anything in a politically oriented thread personally. This is the fucking internet. A fucking porn forum on the fucking internet. Why the hell are you all so fucking serious on a fucking porn forum on the fucking internet? Do you think your penis will appear larger if you get the last word?
Here's a suggestion: Take nothing seriously or personally. If you do, take a break for a couple of weeks. Only continue to post if you realise that not one single person here is going to be convinced by your political views, and most people are going to think you're dumb as a sack of cast-off Roald ball hair for consistently posting/arguing about your political views.
Please, everyone. Continue. It makes mockery easy.