this is a great forum - Trident, I've got the perfect woman for you

Awww, you get so bent out of shape if someone says political correctness is a sham. Thin skinned libby. Why aren't you over taking cheap shots at all the people who got crushed by that Indiana stage?

And for the record I listened maybe a minute. I could really give a shit less, but if it's political correctness is a double standard than that is obvious.

Jebus double dipping chips in a cheese dip, how in the purple fucking pope penis did you think this was an appropriate post?

The level of vitriol on this board is getting out of control. It could, however, be easily contained with three or four good bannings. I think it should start with anyone who takes anything in a politically oriented thread personally. This is the fucking internet. A fucking porn forum on the fucking internet. Why the hell are you all so fucking serious on a fucking porn forum on the fucking internet? Do you think your penis will appear larger if you get the last word?

Here's a suggestion: Take nothing seriously or personally. If you do, take a break for a couple of weeks. Only continue to post if you realise that not one single person here is going to be convinced by your political views, and most people are going to think you're dumb as a sack of cast-off Roald ball hair for consistently posting/arguing about your political views.

Please, everyone. Continue. It makes mockery easy.
Jebus double dipping chips in a cheese dip, how in the purple fucking pope penis did you think this was an appropriate post?

The level of vitriol on this board is getting out of control. It could, however, be easily contained with three or four good bannings. I think it should start with anyone who takes anything in a politically oriented thread personally. This is the fucking internet. A fucking porn forum on the fucking internet. Why the hell are you all so fucking serious on a fucking porn forum on the fucking internet? Do you think your penis will appear larger if you get the last word?

Here's a suggestion: Take nothing seriously or personally. If you do, take a break for a couple of weeks. Only continue to post if you realise that not one single person here is going to be convinced by your political views, and most people are going to think you're dumb as a sack of cast-off Roald ball hair for consistently posting/arguing about your political views.

Please, everyone. Continue. It makes mockery easy.

ragin had it coming. He was the one that even you criticized in the Indiana thread. Hell everyone did. My post was made in relative jest. Dirk, I am not the one taking things so literally - a little jab was only in jest. I just see a bunch of joking in this thread, SERIOUSLY. But if you insist. :dunno:

EDIT: I just re-looked at my post. Are you serious Dirk? What exactly did I say that was so inflammatory???????????


Hiliary 2020
You smell retarded.

Now that's not nice.

Ok LD.
I know that what she's saying is ugly.
And she is angry.
No one likes to hear when angry people say ugly things.

There is truth in what she said.
for one who can deny that the news media when reporting black crime almost never says the color of the criminal but almost always says when its a white person?
And when it is white on black crime its nationwide in your face everyday news, even when its a made up story like Duke and Tawana.
This has been done for years and the simple reason why is to make blacks angry and aggressive and whites feel guilty and passive.
Its done on purpose.
And its worked great which is why crime among young blacks is higher than ever and the divide between whites and blacks is greater than ever.
I say that as a patriot. Someone who doesnt like to see my country go to shit in every possible way.
Also it is true that the majority of all media in the USA and a lot of Europe is Jewish owned and controlled.
Its fact, look it up.
So yes, they are the ones using this divide and conquer tactic, who else is there to blame.?
zionists, jews are and have been behind a lot of devious stuff that has had immeasurable impact on the world, especially in the past 100 years.
I know, its ugly to say and uncomfortable to hear but........

People say that when someone ,"Blames Jews" for things that they are antisemantic.
They do this almost as if they are trained to.
But like the girl said about the drunk being kicked out of 109 bars, are you gonna blame the bartender every time?
Yes its ugly talk but its got a lot of truth to it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
She got 7 seconds.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
She's ugly and she hates Jews. Uh Ragin' why would you think I'd dig this chick?

Well, she's not that horrible. Until you actually start the video.
What a stupid, hateful cunt.

Just a small sampling of her rampant, rambling ignorance:

Jews did NOT found the African slave trade.

Eric Holder did not state that he won't prosecute black on white crimes. This lunacy stems from one incident in which he didn't prosecute two black panthers who some folks (mostly Fox News) claim intimidated voters at a Philadelphia polling place. Never mind that the local police in Philadelphia didn't arrest or prosecute them either :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You don't have to write an essay about gays to graduate from California high schools.

Unemployment is not worse than it was during the Great Depression. Good lord :rofl:

The dollar is not "worthless".

S & P downgraded our credit rating to AA+ , not AA

She states that the Jews kept blacks out of the NAACP until the 1960s. The NAACP had a black chairman of the board in 1934. The first black secretary of the NAACP was appointed in 1920. "The Crisis", the official magazine of the NAACP, was founded by WEB DuBois in 1910.

There were two shooters at Colombine, dipshit. Not one. And neither one was Jewish.

This clip is so over the top I'm holding out some hope it's just a parody, although sadly I think it's probably not.

If this piece of crap actually represented what was left of "the dwindling white majority" we'd probably deserve to become extinct.


for one who can deny that the news media when reporting black crime almost never says the color of the criminal but almost always says when its a white person?

That's pretty much the most wildly inaccurate shit I've read on here.You must live in a fuckin' la-la land. I don't think I've ever heard a news clips or read an article where a black person wasn't identified primarily by their skin color.

And can't you spare us this 'sorry, but it's the truth' bollocks you always seem to put at the end of your little stormfront-esque diatribes. It's not the truth, it's just your (often retarded) opinion.
You don't have to write an essay about gays to graduate from California high schools.

She seems confused on a lot of the issues, this is true. And although a student doesn't have to write an essay about homosexuality to graduate high school, there is indeed a law in California that makes the teaching of "gay history," (as well as certain other social and ethnic groups) a requirement in public high schools.

To be fair, I thought most of my history classes were already gay enough.


love ya, man
I'm sure this chick is in your region, too (based on her accent)
She doesn't really have a distinctive regional accent. :dunno: I can't get northern, southern, nor eastern out of her, whatchatalkinbout?

All in all....Boring! I lasted all of a minute... what prompted you to sit through through the whole thing, ragincraka? :sleep::D

So big deal what one lady with a homemade video says right or wrong, there must be thousands upon thousands of videos out there similar in format to this one, it's just op-eding, big deal!
I know of all kinds of people on the right I disagree with... what, did you really think that right minded individuals agree with one another in lock step like their leftist counterparts? :dunno:


She doesn't have


She doesn't really have a distinctive regional accent. :dunno: I can't get northern, southern, nor eastern out of her, whatchatalkinbout?

All in all....Boring! I lasted all of a minute... what prompted you to sit through through the whole thing, ragincraka? :sleep::D

So big deal what one lady with a homemade video says right or wrong, there must be thousands upon thousands of videos out there similar in format to this one, it's just op-eding, big deal!
I know of all kinds of people on the right I disagree with... what, did you really think that right minded individuals agree with one another in lock step like their leftist counterparts? :dunno:


She doesn't have

Ah, well played, young man, well played. :sarcasm:
Ah, well played, young man, well played. :sarcasm:

Come on. Leftist generally do get all their marching orders from the same source, no? Maybe it's just me/we. :1orglaugh

Seriously, I've met all kinds of people who are generally more conservative that will vote for a person like Obama. But I've seen few (if any) on the left who would EVER vote against Obama.


Come on. Leftist generally do get all their marching orders from the same source, no? Maybe it's just me/we. :1orglaugh

Seriously, I've met all kinds of people who are generally more conservative that will vote for a person like Obama. But I've seen few (if any) on the left who would EVER vote against Obama.

Seriously, in my tenure on this board, as well as other forums, I've seen sooo many statements that apply to both sides equally. Socio-politics is socio-politics. In my opinion, Dem or Repub, Lib or Con, Left-Right, it's both sides looking at themselves in the mirror.

This is what happens when you start out a Reagan-Republican, get an accumulated 12 years of the Bush Family, and go running to the Left because there's nowhere else to go. I'm pointing this out so you know I didn't start where I am now and I have no interest in dogma, even if I might have at a more tender age.
Isn't this very forum a violation of the board rules?