I pretty much agree with you, Georges. But we have to accept (because we've now seen it in a way that none of us can ignore) that there are bad actors in every group, including the cops. My family is full of law enforcement officers, though most are retired now. Everything from small town cops to big city cops to state troopers to federal law enforcement. And while none of them are saints, from what I know, they're mostly decent human beings who didn't hassle people just because they could (OK, there was one, but he got fired early on). But one thing they all had in common was their belief in "the code" or "professional courtesy". And just like gang members with their codes of silence, cops typically won't tell on other cops, no matter how egregious their acts. It was that gang mentality that convinced me that I wouldn't follow my uncle into law enforcement - even though I've looked up to him since I was a small child. When I was in L.A. back in the 80s, the Chief of the LAPD, Daryl Gates, had billboards on the sides of the freeways that said "Join Our Gang". He was trying to convince prospective gang members to work with the LAPD instead of the Crips, Bloods or whomever. The problem with the message was, he was asking people to trade one gang mentality for another. Is that really what we want???
Apart from the inherent lust and greed that's within most humans, I really don't know much about why people do what they do. But I'll go out on a limb and say that I don't think that defunding the police is any kind of a solution. Because, as you said, it's not like anybody is going to defund the criminals among us, are they? What would I do? Because so many cops seem to have either a gang or bully-boy mentality, I'd require all police recruits to first serve as firemen or EMTs for a good two years before they could strap on a gun. Before you could get the idea that you're "the law", you'd have to learn to find ways to work with and help people without being able to throw your weight around. And just like how the American mafia was broken in half by RICO, it's got to become easier for good cops to rid the ranks of bad cops. Cause let's be honest, you can't be a decent cop if you stand with a fascist degenerate. So let's make it easier for the good ones (which I think are the majority).
Just my 2 pennies.