Being bluntfully honest and straightforward. And being competitive.
When people tailgate me, I slow down.
Telling people to shut their fucking mouth when they are chewing their food. That's fucking disgusting, and if I'm in a restaurant and you are within earshot, I'm going to tell you what a fucking disgusting pig you are to force people around you to listen to you orally digest your food. Honestly. What the fuck is wrong with people?
There is a housekeeper at work who, very loudly, slurps the food off her spoon/fork and chews with her mouth open. It's a loud smacking/slurping sound everytime she chews. If you tried to make an exaggerated chewing sound with your mouth, it still wouldn't be as loud as this woman. She's such a sweet, old, european woman though and I don't have the heart to tell her to correct her chewing. She'll be dead soon though.
Most of the time I walk across the street without giving the cars any notice at all, forcing the drivers to wait and pay attention. Some of the looks I get are priceless.
I was informed to day that me living is pissing off someone so I guess living
I'd take that as a compliment! Well I would anyway. I dunno about you?