Things you consider a form of art

I consider the following as a for of art:

Movies (pornos included!)
Some foods (mainly fruirts)
Kobe Bryant's fadeaway shot
Great pitching (in MLB)
Video games
I think art can be anything you do that you care about. I can't draw a picture to save my life, but I can work with wood(timber you fucking deviants) better than most, and I put a lot of heart into it, therefore that is my art. That being said though, art is very personal and subjective. Someone may spend months painting a picture that looks like crap to everybody else, but to them it is their art.

What I don't like is all these dickheads that sit around and say that painting means this or this writing is a metaphor for that, especially if the creator has been dead for hundreds of years. They don't fucking know, they just make shit up. The same piece of art can mean a lot of different things to different people.
I think art is a means of expressing creativity. That said, I don't consider John Cage's "music" to be art, nor do I consider what happens when you fling a bucket of paint on a canvass to be art.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Classic cars
Classic guitars


Take a Hit, Spunker!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
....Art is a state of mind.....In my mind the female body is a work of art:D

the female body is an art form, but these days it's after she's been through about 15 plastic surgeries


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
movie-games. (Metal Gears, Riddick:Butcher Bay and such)
Futa photo manips
Video Codecs/compression efficiency
Lying to authority
Not to be egotisticial, but I consider some of my posts and the posts of others to be a form of art.
Damn, there is too much. Anything can be an art if done... Artfully? is in the eye of the viewer (thought i was gonna say beholder didnt you) but seriously as is anything you want it to be