Things you can't unsee?

Last night I caught a segment of some video show on G4. The segment was Things You Can’t Unsee which features gross out videos from around the web. I turned the channel, but the subject kept reminding me of the most disgusting and disturbing thing I’ve ever witnessed in person.

About 4 years ago my girlfriend and I went camping with a bunch of friends in Northern Ohio. There were us, two other couples and one of my girlfriend’s female friends who was single.

The day we got there it was hot as fuck outside and my girl’s friend had to use “the bathroom” which meant trekking away from the campsite a bit. She didn’t like the idea of going into the woods alone so my girlfriend volunteered me to accompany her as she went on her pee quest. I didn’t care; she was wearing this bikini top and shorts and wasn’t a bad site to look at.

We found a spot and she went to it as I stood nearby as I looked away from her in the opposite direction. After a minute, she made a couple of audible noises as if she saw something. An animal perhaps?

So I looked over towards her to see that she was squatting over the ground with her naked back and ass facing me. This would have been a pleasure to witness seeing how she was pretty damn cute, but it wasn’t because a gigantic log of shit was oozing out of her asshole. My natural reaction was to turn away violently and try to prevent this image from being burned into my brain, but something superseded that and I just couldn’t look away.

I probably only stared for a second or two, but it felt like minutes. It was something so natural and familiar in theory, but SEEING it happen was foreign and alien and disgusting in a way I can’t explain. It almost seemed inhuman. I eventually turned and pretended I never saw what I saw, but to this day, whenever I see her, that image comes back to just as clearly as I saw it that afternoon.

What have you seen in your days that you’d unsee if you could? I’m sure everybody has lots of things, but one is that one thing that really fucked with your head?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
This I warn you all, it is disgusting.
Dont blame me if you click. You have been warned. :D


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
This just kidding. How about things you can't undoe like going down on an ex gf and having her blow a fart in your face.
1 guy 1 jar (I think that's the title). Do yourself a favor and never look it up.


Which was also featured on that G4 segment
You call it "a gigantic log of shit". But Baconsalt calls it "Happy Meal".

As for things I can't unsee: The truth, my friend. The truth! :yesyes:
How about things you can't undoe like going down on an ex gf and having her blow a fart in your face.

:1orglaugh That has happened to me far too many times than one would hope to experience in a lifetime.


When I was about 8 or 9 I saw a women get crushed up against a wall by a reversing truck that obviously didn't see her trying to cut around the back of it.

That's kind of a downer for this thread, but hey it's true so whatchagonna do when Hulkamania gets wild up on you?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Leading the series 3-2, the Cubs are ahead 3-0 in game 6 as the 8th inning rolls around. Mark Prior is on the bump and has been nearly flawless all night. We're 6 outs away from the World Series. And this happens:

If we don't win the World Series in my lifetime, I'll curse Alex Gonzalez on my deathbed. That was a fucking routine ground ball. :mad: I will never forget that night.
let me guess 2 girls one cup?.

nope not at all...think more along the lines of the most gnarly pussy you've ever seen or can imagine and then imagine one about 50 to 100 times more gnarly and you're about right on track :thumbsup:
i can't say i've ever witnessed that but I'll have to agree that's just something you can't unsee and I never want too.

biomech I for the first time on freeones and not clicking on something that I'm sorta curious about. I've felt ill enough times now. I've learned my lesson.
Leading the series 3-2, the Cubs are ahead 3-0 in game 6 as the 8th inning rolls around. Mark Prior is on the bump and has been nearly flawless all night. We're 6 outs away from the World Series. And this happens:

If we don't win the World Series in my lifetime, I'll curse Alex Gonzalez on my deathbed. That was a fucking routine ground ball. :mad: I will never forget that night.

Neither will I. Go Marlins! :thefinger