Things That Only a Republican Could Believe

I didn't write it, but I sorta wish I had. I agree with some parts more than others. The list is hardly exhaustive, though:


Things That Only a Republican Could Believe:


Parents who don't want their children to pray in school are Anti-American zealots -- parents who don't want their children to listen to a speech by the President of the United States telling them to work hard and get good grades are noble patriots.

Peacefully demonstrating against the country starting an international war is treason -- showing up with semi-automatic weapons to protest healthcare reform is democracy at its finest.

Any (non-appointed, career) government official with a desk job should have every action scrutinized -- any government official with a badge and a gun should never be questioned or disrespected. At all. Ever.

Questioning the legitimacy of an election because the "winner" was selected by the Supreme Court is sour grapes -- questioning the legitimacy of an election because the winner (by the largest number of votes in American history) is really a Kenyan born Muslim despite all evidence to the contrary is being a vigilant American.

Lying about a blowjob is an impeachable offense -- lying about the justification for a war is no big deal, really.

Investigating a shady land deal involving the First Lady is a matter of National Identity -- investigating the use of torture at the direction of the Executive Branch is a partisan witch hunt.

Executing Japanese officers for waterboarding prisoners during WWII shows that we have the moral high-ground on human rights -- waterboarding prisoners of ours shows that we have the moral high-ground on human rights.

Sitting two rows in front of Jane Fonda in a 1970 anti-war rally is an OUTRAGE! Shaking Saddam's hand in 1983...meh, not so much.

Anyone who questions the ideas, views, or actions of a president during a time of war is giving aide and comfort to the enemy and should be deported...unless the president in question has a (D) next to their name in which case you should, for the good of the country, undermine them at every turn, even if you have to routinely make shit up to do it.

Socialism, Marxism, Communism and Fascism are all interchangeable words that mean pretty much the same thing.

Anyone who abuses drugs should be locked up indefinitely...unless they are a popular Republican radio host, in which case they need your prayers as they recover from the illness of addiction.

Health Insurance companies have your best interests in mind (why else would they call it "health" insurance!!) and anyone who thinks otherwise is trying to turn America into the Godless heathen nation of Sweden where EVERYONE in the country dies (eventually).

Obama is an atheist communist muslim who attended a radical christian church.

Believing that human activity could impact the global environment is crazy talk -- believing that an invisible man in the sky personally told George Bush to invade Iraq or that Alaska should have certain gas pipelines to fulfill Biblical prophecy is logically sound.

The verdict is still out on evolution -- but Jesus Christ returning in our lifetimes is a pretty much a given.

The media are unquestionably biased against Republicans -- Talk Radio, The Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, Rightwing Blogs, Fox News and NewsCorp are not part of the media.

The government should have no part in regulating multi-national corporations as they make decisions that impact the lives of millions of people -- government should regulate individuals by determining who they can marry, what kind of intercourse they can have, what they can smoke, how to manage their pregnancy and how to proceed with end of life decisions.

Communicating with hostile nations is a stab in the back to our great nation -- Reagan communicating with the USSR during the Cold War was Political Genius.

Iran is a mortal threat to our nation and anyone who attempts to talk to them is traitorous scum -- selling weapons to Iran and then funneling the money to start wars in South America is clearly in our National interest.

George Bush kept the nation safe after 9-11 (NOTE: the Anthrax attacks, the DC Sniper and Hurricane Katrina don't count. Also, the fact that 9-11 happened on his watch despite receiving a security briefing specifically warning of the attack doesn't count either.)

Social Security, Meidcare, public schooling, public libraries, fire departments, police departments and the US Military are as American as Apple Pie -- universal healthcare is ZOMGDEATHPANELSOCIALISM!!

George W Bush is a regular 'ole Texas rancher just like you and me despite the fact that he was born in Connecticut, attended two Ivy League schools, bought the Crawford ranch (really, it was a pig farm) just before running for president, sold it immediate after leaving office and is terrified of horses.

The two guys at the center of the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals are trustworthy voices in discussions of current national policy and should be taken at face-value.
It really is shocking isn't it how the same things can be viewed so differently by people.In my "4 things that could sink America" thread one of those things was how uninformed some Americans are and how that leads to what you have posted here in some cases.Don't trust gov't but trust corporations just don't compute for me like it does for some people apparently.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Awesome! :bowdown: Some that stuff is hilarious.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. And over the course of my life, I've probably voted for more Republicans than Democrats. But the fact that so many of those ring so freakin' true in today's world, says exactly why I will never refer to myself as a Republican... at least not until the nation building, neocon scum and whack job Evangelicals are purged from the party. Doesn't mean that I'm throwing in with the Dems, but it does mean that I see neocons and Evangelical extremists as the bigger threat to the future of this nation.

For anyone who continues to piss & moan about Obama, that's OK - that's your right. As time goes on, I' sure I'll have more criticisms too. But let's consider the alternative: President John McCain, sitting down for breakfast, suddenly clutches his chest and falls face first into his scrambled eggs. 24 hours later, I present to you, President of the United States of America, Sarah Palin. :eek:

I actually liked McCain a lot more than Bush back in 2000. I think he would have done a much better job than the shrub, although I did vote for Junior (still have the taste of vomit in my mouth over that one). This time around I was either going to vote for Barr or Obama. I was leaning toward Barr. But when McCain picked that half-witted Alaska air head, my vote went to Obama. I considered that to be my catastrophy prevention vote.

IMO, the GOP has been taken over by some of the most base, crude and ignorant, lowest common denominator types that our country has to offer. Where is the next Jack Kemp? Nowhere to be found, I fear - certainly not in the GOP. And that is sad, because there does need to be a viable alternative. But the truth within that list says why I'm hoping for a 3rd Party, sooner than later. I think the "speaking in tongues" snake handlers and New World Order nation builders have a pretty firm grip on the GOP now. Very sad. :(


Staff member
I didn't write it, but I sorta wish I had. I agree with some parts more than others. The list is hardly exhaustive, though:


Things That Only a Republican Could Believe:

1) Parents who don't want their children to pray in school are Anti-American zealots -- parents who don't want their children to listen to a speech by the President of the United States telling them to work hard and get good grades are noble patriots.

2) Peacefully demonstrating against the country starting an international war is treason -- showing up with semi-automatic weapons to protest healthcare reform is democracy at its finest.
3) Any (non-appointed, career) government official with a desk job should have every action scrutinized -- any government official with a badge and a gun should never be questioned or disrespected. At all. Ever.
4) Questioning the legitimacy of an election because the "winner" was selected by the Supreme Court is sour grapes -- questioning the legitimacy of an election because the winner (by the largest number of votes in American history) is really a Kenyan born Muslim despite all evidence to the contrary is being a vigilant American.
5) Lying about a blowjob is an impeachable offense -- lying about the justification for a war is no big deal, really.
6) Investigating a shady land deal involving the First Lady is a matter of National Identity -- investigating the use of torture at the direction of the Executive Branch is a partisan witch hunt.
7) Executing Japanese officers for waterboarding prisoners during WWII shows that we have the moral high-ground on human rights -- waterboarding prisoners of ours shows that we have the moral high-ground on human rights.
8) Sitting two rows in front of Jane Fonda in a 1970 anti-war rally is an OUTRAGE! Shaking Saddam's hand in 1983...meh, not so much.
9) Anyone who questions the ideas, views, or actions of a president during a time of war is giving aide and comfort to the enemy and should be deported...unless the president in question has a (D) next to their name in which case you should, for the good of the country, undermine them at every turn, even if you have to routinely make shit up to do it.
10) Socialism, Marxism, Communism and Fascism are all interchangeable words that mean pretty much the same thing.
11) Anyone who abuses drugs should be locked up indefinitely...unless they are a popular Republican radio host, in which case they need your prayers as they recover from the illness of addiction.
12) Health Insurance companies have your best interests in mind (why else would they call it "health" insurance!!) and anyone who thinks otherwise is trying to turn America into the Godless heathen nation of Sweden where EVERYONE in the country dies (eventually).
13) Obama is an atheist communist muslim who attended a radical christian church.
14) Believing that human activity could impact the global environment is crazy talk -- believing that an invisible man in the sky personally told George Bush to invade Iraq or that Alaska should have certain gas pipelines to fulfill Biblical prophecy is logically sound.
14) The verdict is still out on evolution -- but Jesus Christ returning in our lifetimes is a pretty much a given.
15) The media are unquestionably biased against Republicans -- Talk Radio, The Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, Rightwing Blogs, Fox News and NewsCorp are not part of the media.
16) The government should have no part in regulating multi-national corporations as they make decisions that impact the lives of millions of people -- government should regulate individuals by determining who they can marry, what kind of intercourse they can have, what they can smoke, how to manage their pregnancy and how to proceed with end of life decisions.
17) Communicating with hostile nations is a stab in the back to our great nation -- Reagan communicating with the USSR during the Cold War was Political Genius.
18) Iran is a mortal threat to our nation and anyone who attempts to talk to them is traitorous scum -- selling weapons to Iran and then funneling the money to start wars in South America is clearly in our National interest.
19) George Bush kept the nation safe after 9-11 (NOTE: the Anthrax attacks, the DC Sniper and Hurricane Katrina don't count. Also, the fact that 9-11 happened on his watch despite receiving a security briefing specifically warning of the attack doesn't count either.)
20) Social Security, Meidcare, public schooling, public libraries, fire departments, police departments and the US Military are as American as Apple Pie -- universal healthcare is ZOMGDEATHPANELSOCIALISM!!
21) George W Bush is a regular 'ole Texas rancher just like you and me despite the fact that he was born in Connecticut, attended two Ivy League schools, bought the Crawford ranch (really, it was a pig farm) just before running for president, sold it immediate after leaving office and is terrified of horses.
22) The two guys at the center of the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals are trustworthy voices in discussions of current national policy and should be taken at face-value.

Well looks like Facial King wanted to have fun:rolleyes::1orglaugh. I have always been a right winger and a conservative one and I never liked the left nor the greens.
Ok here you go with my replies to your mockery:
1) I am wondering what have prayers to do with anti americanism or patriotism :dunno: . Perhaps the parents the speech of the president in question filled of lies and with false hopes as well, hence why they don't care.

2) Who were the ones demonstrating against Vietnam? Hippie pinkos and students. Back up your troops has always been a motto in America, why suddenly it shouldn't be or shouldn't exist. Soldiers put their lives daily in front of the line to save and protect America's interests, yet some people have to bitch and moan about what soldiers do? Is that the new way of supporting troops? I am stunned. The healthcare reform goes against the interests of many but will only benefit illegal aliens, the poor and the ghetto trash and Obama wants to impose it. Hard working citizens are against it by all means. Personnally who wants to pay for a useless and unwilling to work parasite? Please tell me.

3) A government official with a badge and a gun has been on the field and has perhaps far more knowledge of geostrategy and what happens than a government official with a desk job whose has no real knowledge of geostrategy and who has never faced danger in front of the line. Powell was a former military general where as Obama was senator who did nothing for the state of Illinois.

4) Wikipedia says he is born in Honolulu, but I don't think that Americans born in Honolulu choose first names as Barack and Hussein, and the family name Obama itself doesn't not American compared to Rice or Powell. I don't believe that Barack Obama is protestant.

5) A liar under oath is a liar under oath, plain and simple. Removing Saddam was necessary.

6) National identity is important. Do you honstely think that the military under Clinton's presidency has never used torture? Please stop being so naive.

7) Terrorists in Afghanistans and in Iraq killed Soldiers and tortured them, they also killed Daniel Pearl. Do you think that terrorits speak gently without stabbing you? You are really naive.

8) Shaking Chavez's hand and accepting an anti American book from him is not what I woud call a smart move.

9) Going against the interests of your own nations and dealing with political leaders that are only willing to harm your country is not acceptable and shouldn't be tolerated.

10) They are all the same thing and they have never improved economical situation in any of the g8 countries.

11) A junkie remains a junkie whether he/she is a tv host or not and he/she can be rarely rehabilitated.

12) True, people shouldn't count on others to pay health insurance and social security for them. You have to work in order to pay for them. None owes you nothing, remember that. People should insure themsleves at their own.

13) I don't think Obama is an atheist but a hidden wahabi muslim who passed himself for a christian in order to have a better approval among the voters.

14) From what kind of proof did you come to this statement????

15) We hear more about Obama did this and Obama did that every day than when we heard Bush did thiss or Bush did that. Obam, the new messiah? (insert Irony :rolleyes:here)

16) See what happened to many of the prestigious the firms in the USSR, they ended up bankrupted.
Multinationals controlled by short term thinking politicians, it would be the end of the success for many firms in the USA.

17) Communicating with Chavez is not better either, worse is accepting an Anti American book from him.

18) Iran has always been a country that plagued its neighbors and that has always been a source of troubles for USA and its allies.

19) the dc sniper guy was a converted muslim, kathrina was unpredictable and 9/11 was a result of the bombing of the USS Cole, first bombing of the wtc in ny in 1993 and the bombing of the american ambassy in kenya in 1997, your beloved Clinton did nothing when these attacks occured.

20) Yes, universal healthcare shouldn't exist but a privatized and individual healthcare should exist.

21) oh really?

22) Because Carter and Ford should be valued as trustworthy people???

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Well looks like Facial King wanted to have fun:rolleyes::1orglaugh. I have always been a right winger and a conservative one and I never liked the left nor the greens.
Ok here you go with my replies to your mockery:
1) I am wondering what have prayers to do with anti americanism or patriotism :dunno: . Perhaps the parents the speech of the president in question filled of lies and with false hopes as well, hence why they don't care.

2) Who were the ones demonstrating against Vietnam? Hippie pinkos and students. Back up your troops has always been a motto in America, why suddenly it shouldn't be or shouldn't exist. Soldiers put their lives daily in front of the line to save and protect America's interests, yet some people have to bitch and moan about what soldiers do? Is that the new way of supporting troops? I am stunned. The healthcare reform goes against the interests of many but will only benefit illegal aliens, the poor and the ghetto trash and Obama wants to impose it. Hard working citizens are against it by all means. Personnally who wants to pay for a useless and unwilling to work parasite? Please tell me.

3) A government official with a badge and a gun has been on the field and has perhaps far more knowledge of geostrategy and what happens than a government official with a desk job whose has no real knowledge of geostrategy and who has never faced danger in front of the line. Powell was a former military general where as Obama was senator who did nothing for the state of Illinois.

4) Wikipedia says he is born in Honolulu, but I don't think that Americans born in Honolulu choose first names as Barack and Hussein, and the family name Obama itself doesn't not American compared to Rice or Powell. I don't believe that Barack Obama is protestant.

5) A liar under oath is a liar under oath, plain and simple. Removing Saddam was necessary.

6) National identity is important. Do you honstely think that the military under Clinton's presidency has never used torture? Please stop being so naive.

7) Terrorists in Afghanistans and in Iraq killed Soldiers and tortured them, they also killed Daniel Pearl. Do you think that terrorits speak gently without stabbing you? You are really naive.

8) Shaking Chavez's hand and accepting an anti American book from him is not what I woud call a smart move.

9) Going against the interests of your own nations and dealing with political leaders that are only willing to harm your country is not acceptable and shouldn't be tolerated.

10) They are all the same thing and they have never improved economical situation in any of the g8 countries.

11) A junkie remains a junkie whether he/she is a tv host or not and he/she can be rarely rehabilitated.

12) True, people shouldn't count on others to pay health insurance and social security for them. You have to work in order to pay for them. None owes you nothing, remember that. People should insure themsleves at their own.

13) I don't think Obama is an atheist but a hidden wahabi muslim who passed himself for a christian in order to have a better approval among the voters.

14) From what kind of proof did you come to this statement????

15) We hear more about Obama did this and Obama did that every day than when we heard Bush did thiss or Bush did that. Obam, the new messiah? (insert Irony :rolleyes:here)

16) See what happened to many of the prestigious the firms in the USSR, they ended up bankrupted.
Multinationals controlled by short term thinking politicians, it would be the end of the success for many firms in the USA.

17) Communicating with Chavez is not better either, worse is accepting an Anti American book from him.

18) Iran has always been a country that plagued its neighbors and that has always been a source of troubles for USA and its allies.

19) the dc sniper guy was a converted muslim, kathrina was unpredictable and 9/11 was a result of the bombing of the USS Cole, first bombing of the wtc in ny in 1993 and the bombing of the american ambassy in kenya in 1997, your beloved Clinton did nothing when these attacks occured.

20) Yes, universal healthcare shouldn't exist but a privatized and individual healthcare should exist.

21) oh really?

22) Because Carter and Ford should be valued as trustworthy people???

i hear ya! great post..

and funny how this humor piece easily put some people on the defensive, without really getting down to the real issues ;)

I didn't write it, but I sorta wish I had. I agree with some parts more than others. The list is hardly exhaustive, though:


Things That Only a Republican Could Believe:


Parents who don't want their children to pray in school are Anti-American zealots -- parents who don't want their children to listen to a speech by the President of the United States telling them to work hard and get good grades are noble patriots.

Peacefully demonstrating against the country starting an international war is treason -- showing up with semi-automatic weapons to protest healthcare reform is democracy at its finest.

Any (non-appointed, career) government official with a desk job should have every action scrutinized -- any government official with a badge and a gun should never be questioned or disrespected. At all. Ever.

Questioning the legitimacy of an election because the "winner" was selected by the Supreme Court is sour grapes -- questioning the legitimacy of an election because the winner (by the largest number of votes in American history) is really a Kenyan born Muslim despite all evidence to the contrary is being a vigilant American.

Lying about a blowjob is an impeachable offense -- lying about the justification for a war is no big deal, really.

Investigating a shady land deal involving the First Lady is a matter of National Identity -- investigating the use of torture at the direction of the Executive Branch is a partisan witch hunt.

Executing Japanese officers for waterboarding prisoners during WWII shows that we have the moral high-ground on human rights -- waterboarding prisoners of ours shows that we have the moral high-ground on human rights.

Sitting two rows in front of Jane Fonda in a 1970 anti-war rally is an OUTRAGE! Shaking Saddam's hand in 1983...meh, not so much.

Anyone who questions the ideas, views, or actions of a president during a time of war is giving aide and comfort to the enemy and should be deported...unless the president in question has a (D) next to their name in which case you should, for the good of the country, undermine them at every turn, even if you have to routinely make shit up to do it.

Socialism, Marxism, Communism and Fascism are all interchangeable words that mean pretty much the same thing.

Anyone who abuses drugs should be locked up indefinitely...unless they are a popular Republican radio host, in which case they need your prayers as they recover from the illness of addiction.

Health Insurance companies have your best interests in mind (why else would they call it "health" insurance!!) and anyone who thinks otherwise is trying to turn America into the Godless heathen nation of Sweden where EVERYONE in the country dies (eventually).

Obama is an atheist communist muslim who attended a radical christian church.

Believing that human activity could impact the global environment is crazy talk -- believing that an invisible man in the sky personally told George Bush to invade Iraq or that Alaska should have certain gas pipelines to fulfill Biblical prophecy is logically sound.

The verdict is still out on evolution -- but Jesus Christ returning in our lifetimes is a pretty much a given.

The media are unquestionably biased against Republicans -- Talk Radio, The Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, Rightwing Blogs, Fox News and NewsCorp are not part of the media.

The government should have no part in regulating multi-national corporations as they make decisions that impact the lives of millions of people -- government should regulate individuals by determining who they can marry, what kind of intercourse they can have, what they can smoke, how to manage their pregnancy and how to proceed with end of life decisions.

Communicating with hostile nations is a stab in the back to our great nation -- Reagan communicating with the USSR during the Cold War was Political Genius.

Iran is a mortal threat to our nation and anyone who attempts to talk to them is traitorous scum -- selling weapons to Iran and then funneling the money to start wars in South America is clearly in our National interest.

George Bush kept the nation safe after 9-11 (NOTE: the Anthrax attacks, the DC Sniper and Hurricane Katrina don't count. Also, the fact that 9-11 happened on his watch despite receiving a security briefing specifically warning of the attack doesn't count either.)

Social Security, Meidcare, public schooling, public libraries, fire departments, police departments and the US Military are as American as Apple Pie -- universal healthcare is ZOMGDEATHPANELSOCIALISM!!

George W Bush is a regular 'ole Texas rancher just like you and me despite the fact that he was born in Connecticut, attended two Ivy League schools, bought the Crawford ranch (really, it was a pig farm) just before running for president, sold it immediate after leaving office and is terrified of horses.

The two guys at the center of the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals are trustworthy voices in discussions of current national policy and should be taken at face-value.
1) I am wondering what have prayers to do with anti americanism or patriotism :dunno: . Perhaps the parents the speech of the president in question filled of lies and with false hopes as well, hence why they don't care.

2) Who were the ones demonstrating against Vietnam? Hippie pinkos and students. Back up your troops has always been a motto in America, why suddenly it shouldn't be or shouldn't exist. Soldiers put their lives daily in front of the line to save and protect America's interests, yet some people have to bitch and moan about what soldiers do? Is that the new way of supporting troops? I am stunned. The healthcare reform goes against the interests of many but will only benefit illegal aliens, the poor and the ghetto trash and Obama wants to impose it. Hard working citizens are against it by all means. Personnally who wants to pay for a useless and unwilling to work parasite? Please tell me.

3) A government official with a badge and a gun has been on the field and has perhaps far more knowledge of geostrategy and what happens than a government official with a desk job whose has no real knowledge of geostrategy and who has never faced danger in front of the line. Powell was a former military general where as Obama was senator who did nothing for the state of Illinois.

4) Wikipedia says he is born in Honolulu, but I don't think that Americans born in Honolulu choose first names as Barack and Hussein, and the family name Obama itself doesn't not American compared to Rice or Powell. I don't believe that Barack Obama is protestant.

5) A liar under oath is a liar under oath, plain and simple. Removing Saddam was necessary.

6) National identity is important. Do you honstely think that the military under Clinton's presidency has never used torture? Please stop being so naive.

7) Terrorists in Afghanistans and in Iraq killed Soldiers and tortured them, they also killed Daniel Pearl. Do you think that terrorits speak gently without stabbing you? You are really naive.

8) Shaking Chavez's hand and accepting an anti American book from him is not what I woud call a smart move.

9) Going against the interests of your own nations and dealing with political leaders that are only willing to harm your country is not acceptable and shouldn't be tolerated.

10) They are all the same thing and they have never improved economical situation in any of the g8 countries.

11) A junkie remains a junkie whether he/she is a tv host or not and he/she can be rarely rehabilitated.

12) True, people shouldn't count on others to pay health insurance and social security for them. You have to work in order to pay for them. None owes you nothing, remember that. People should insure themsleves at their own.

13) I don't think Obama is an atheist but a hidden wahabi muslim who passed himself for a christian in order to have a better approval among the voters.

14) From what kind of proof did you come to this statement????

15) We hear more about Obama did this and Obama did that every day than when we heard Bush did thiss or Bush did that. Obam, the new messiah? (insert Irony :rolleyes:here)

16) See what happened to many of the prestigious the firms in the USSR, they ended up bankrupted.
Multinationals controlled by short term thinking politicians, it would be the end of the success for many firms in the USA.

17) Communicating with Chavez is not better either, worse is accepting an Anti American book from him.

18) Iran has always been a country that plagued its neighbors and that has always been a source of troubles for USA and its allies.

19) the dc sniper guy was a converted muslim, kathrina was unpredictable and 9/11 was a result of the bombing of the USS Cole, first bombing of the wtc in ny in 1993 and the bombing of the american ambassy in kenya in 1997, your beloved Clinton did nothing when these attacks occured.

20) Yes, universal healthcare shouldn't exist but a privatized and individual healthcare should exist.

21) oh really?

22) Because Carter and Ford should be valued as trustworthy people???

Oh brother....
I don't have the time or energy to tackle all of these, and I've learned it doesn't make any difference when I do, so I won't bother beyond a couple of short notes.

Powell was a former military general where as Obama was senator who did nothing for the state of Illinois.

And yet Powell endorsed Obama for the presidency :)

Back up your troops has always been a motto in America, why suddenly it shouldn't be or shouldn't exist.

Support for our troops is overwhelmingly strong.

During Viet Nam a minor % of those who protested the war were clueless idiots who perceived our troops as willing agents of an evil government. Most of them eventually grew up and realized just how stupid their perception of our troops had been. During our ensuing conflicts that misguided view hasn't been held by more than a microscopic number of people. Most of those who protested the Viet Nam war and virtually all who protest the current wars are protesting government policy; period. By actively watchdogging the government such that the lives of our sons and daughters will not be needlessly wasted they are actually advocates for our troops, and powerful advocates at that.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Please, people, stop full-quoting such long posts.

Thank you, you put it really, really right, I recognized a lot of the arguments we see, in here and elsewhere

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
4) Wikipedia says he is born in Honolulu, but I don't think that Americans born in Honolulu choose first names as Barack and Hussein, and the family name Obama itself doesn't not American compared to Rice or Powell. I don't believe that Barack Obama is protestant.

Absolutely! Just like that Piyush "Bobby" Jindal fellow pretending to be a real American. Or that Mitt Romney fellow pretending to be a real Christian. I'm not so sure about Sarah Palin either. Even though I think she's a wonderful and intelligent woman, who has been unfairly smeared by the devil worshipping, pornography infiltrated, commie loving, left wing media, she shouldn't be working outside the home or standing in front of her husband in public. They must be members of a really liberal Evangelical church. At least she doesn't cut her hair... but I have seen her wearing pants.

But yeah, it is high time we get back to having only real Americans... real God fearin', honest to goodness, Born Again Evangelical Christian Americans, with "American sounding" names, running our nation. Real American leaders who will lock up all the dope heads and pornographers. We need another real American in Washington... like Ed Meese. :thumbsup:
But yeah, it is high time we get back to having only real Americans... real God fearin', honest to goodness, Born Again Evangelical Christian Americans, with "American sounding" names, running our nation. Real American leaders who will lock up all the dope heads and pornographers. We need another real American in Washington... like Ed Meese. :thumbsup:

Isn't that the same description of "real Americans" that the Klan uses? Also if Bobby Jindal some how becomes the Republican nominee I want to see how many people check for his birth records.
And what has Marxism done?

And what has Marxism done?

I've only seen it work in small communities where people hold each other accountable. Marxism doesn't work because it takes individual rights and puts them in the hands of groups, and individuals can no longer disagree.

While I think Republicans are misguided, many people on this board are just as bad with the Marxists. Guilting the successful with bleeding hearts for everything doesn't make someone a believer, it just makes them feel bad so you can get your way.

Fortunately, I'm immune to the bullshit because I see right through it from Democrats, just like the conservatism bullshit from the Republicans. I don't need a list to tell me many Republicans are fools, just like I could list so many of Democrats.


Isn't that the same description of "real Americans" that the Klan uses? Also if Bobby Jindal some how becomes the Republican nominee I want to see how many people check for his birth records.

I think he was using sarcasim, but I could be worng


Postal Paranoiac
Dems really are full of...contradictory oxymoronisms. :D