Now you just need find where that disproves Obama's assertion.
Ohhh no I don't
Now you just need find where that disproves Obama's assertion.
Ohhh no I don'tWe're dealing in politics now, NOT ABSOLUTES !
Looking into the background of Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, after his heckling of President Obama is this:
Joe also has been a member of the Columbia World Affairs Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sinclair Lodge 154, Jamil Temple, Woodmen of the World, Sons of Confederate Veterans, ....
This is an organization that, as the SPLC has detailed assiduously, has been taken over in the past decade by radical neo-Confederates who favor secession and defend slavery as a benign institution. Leading the takeover is a radical racist who's been an important legal figure on the far right for some years.
In more recent years, the takeover has led to an outright internal civil war. Andrew Meacham at the St. Petersburg Times detailed the internal rift last year:
Experts say the divisions within the Sons vary between two extremes. On one side are the traditionalists, members who focus on cleaning up Confederate grave sites and conducting Civil War re-enactments.
On the other side are the so-called Lunatics, up to 2,000 members who deride traditionalists as "grannies'' and belong to camps named after notorious Southern figures such as John Wilkes Booth and Jesse_James.
John Wilkes Booth members have been known to put pennies in urinals, making sure to leave the Lincoln side face-up. Other Lunatic groups have removed the U.S. flag from their halls and banned the Pledge of Allegiance, says Walter Hilderman, who several years ago created an anti-Lunatic group called Save the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
"The problem is it's supposed to be a patriotic organization," says Hilderman, 59. "You are either that or you let guys in who want to secede."
Now, add this to the fact that Joe Wilson, as a state legislator, was one of only seven Republicans to go against their own party and vote to keep the Dixie Rebel flag flying over the South Carolina capitol:
The flag came down that year after Republicans in both houses went for a compromise that would put it on Statehouse grounds at the Confederate Soldier’s monument. The “Magnificent Seven” of Senators who voted to keep the flag up included current Congressman Joe Wilson
A clearer picture of why this congressman might so virulently breach protocol and loudly interrupt an African-American president's speech to Congress by calling him a liar does start to emerge, doesn't it?
So inquiring minds want to know:
Is Joe Wilson still a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans?
If so, does he condone the activities of the "Lunatic" faction that now controls the SCV?
Does Joe Wilson consider the Republican Party "the Party of Lincoln"?
Does Joe Wilson support secession?
Don't know when the laws stating emergency rooms must treat everyone regardless of insurance or citizenship but its been a long time so don't try to state its a fact that Obama wanted it.
GUFFAW!! What was I thinking for believing the silly notion that if someone asserts something to be a falsehood that they would be doing so based on the facts that back them up...politics or otherwise.![]()
What I was thinking was what a miserable existence it must be sitting online every day all day contesting the ultra fine nuances, to no apparent end, of right wing politics when you could be outside in the sunny so. cal. ..........late summer, just coming into fall. Seriously, it's the nicest weather of the year ! :sunny:
Joe Wilson ... Smoe Wilson :dunno: I admire the guy for being one of the rare few who would challenge this frosh senator of a president (installed by foreign money ) :eek: Do I have to prove that as well ? I also admire Wilson for actually reading HR3200 not once but twice and he's ready to reference as well as field questions about the legislation.
Politics is a hell of a lot more ideological than it is fact so just get over yourself and make a living doing what you like so much ! Have you applied @ msnbc ? I'm certain that olbermanski could always use another writer :computer: :spin:
sure bodes, carter probably be right.
everybody racist.
The problem with Carter isn't his honesty, but the fact he's rarely correct.
Carter IS right. The problem is, you don't know what he actually said.
If you'd actually read what he said (in full) you'd realize that he didn't even remotely accuse "everybody" on the right of being racist.
Yes that's what the irresponsible fuckwits on right wing radio are claiming, but it's simply not true.
Carter was referring to (and I quote him) "A radical fringe element of demonstrators and others".
But you won't hear Hannity and his fellow propagandists mention that critical qualifier.
Carter is right - no rational person can argue with the fact a fringe element on the right IS driven by racism.
I think some people can make judgements and form opinions based just on the facts, the actions, the words, and the proposals made by politicians and the parties they represent.
So does Jimmy Carter.
So do I.
The kicker is, those judgments need to be grounded in genuine facts, not heresay and the constant blizzard of distortion and misinformation emanating from the right wing propaganda machine.
But now the racist card is being thrown out there wow what a surprise I did not expect that from the party in power they got everything Obama does not need to lie they just need to vote on this and get it done with it...
Joe Wilson my hero time will prove him right
Not all people who think Obamas intentions are at best bad for the future of the country are the "fringe Element".
Yeah right. It's not like Joe Wilson has a racist past.
You have to go there...well let's go to Ted Kennedy's past about some girl he let drown and tried to cover up... or that democrat senator Byrd that had something to do with the clan...or maybe the fact that most of the opponents of the civil rights movement back in the 60's Bull Connor and other democrats...or the fact that wayyyy back in the civil war it was southern democrats that were against black men as free men in other words they were the racist party..how's that for digging up the past if we want to go there.
The fact is the man said "you lie" not "you lying black, something something"
stop spinning the race card is sick and quite divisive in this country the man is a bigger liiar than Bush!