It's a sad state now. How old were you, when you were told, or found out the hard way, coffee is hot? Some fuckwit burns their mouth on McD's coffee, files a lawsuit, and now EVERY drive threw window has a sticker that says "CAUTION, OUR HOT BEVERAGES ARE SERVED VERY HOT". I'm thinking about the warning before every episode of WWE wrestling I've seen, that states "Trained professionals, do not try this at home". Now I remember a little 8 year old kid, slammed his 5 year old sister, and might have killed her, at the least she was brain damaged. Her parents sued, but I'm conflicted, in that his parents should have taken the responsibility of explaining that, or not letting him watch it at all. I would also like to point out, that as a result of this lack of parenting, and ridicules obsession with political correctness, MANY a good Road Runner cartoon, has been shelved. Along with other looney toons, and various other shows I enjoyed as a child. Of course they were never meant for children, but that's the parents fault they watch it.
So I guess what I was trying to say is, without ridiculously obvious warning stickers, every shyster lawyer in the country would be burdening the courts with dumb fuckery.
Sorry about the rant, but stupid, greedy people give me a sharp stabbing sensation in brain, right behind my eyeballs.