The Worst Song Ever Written? The Catastrophe that is "Friday"

thanks to Tosh.0 and the wonderful thing that is the internet, Rebecca Blacks song "Friday" has become an internet phenomenon for all the wrong reasons.

go ahead and listen to it, watch the video and face palm live you've never face palmed before. must warn you though, it really is bad, and you'll feel embarrassed just by watching it.

62 MILLION views, since it was released less than a month ago. over a million dislikes, and if you pause the video and just watch the like/dislike literally keeps going up before your eyes.

facebook is covered in people posting the video as a joke, parodies have been made etc etc. tons of people i know have turned it into jokes, insults and the like. theres even de-motivational posters.

the wikipedia article for reference and so i don't have have to explain what its about.

enjoy everyone.
It's not the worst song ever. Yeah it sucks, but people are overreacting and taking out their hatred of the oversaturation of this bullshit music out on a defenseless 13 year old girl.

It's just my theory but people are so tired of this crap radio pop and they're too afraid to admit it. This crap sounds the same as any Lady Gaga, Kesha, Lil Wayne, Bieber bullshit that's all over the radio today, and who gets the most heat for it... Bieber and Rebecca Black, people only seem to target the younger artist in hoardes rather than confronting the older jackasses who are leading this shit electro pop crap movement.

Like I said, it's not the worst song in the world, it's performed by a 13 yr old for crying out loud, THIS song takes the cake on being the worst song, these fuck nuggets should be ashamed of themselves:

ouch, that is pretty bad. but i hear what your saying. it is fun to hate on the kiddos. though im adamantly against most modern music and pop culture, as its fuckin us up big time. but think about it, first black, then the hordes of people seeing how much attentions shes getting and thinking "shit i can do that".

wheres that gonna lead us?
but think about it, first black, then the hordes of people seeing how much attentions shes getting and thinking "shit i can do that".

wheres that gonna lead us?

All those people are just lucky, Bieber got lucky, Black got lucky, Gaga, Kesha, etc got lucky. There's always going to be one crap artist that the world is infatuated with. Just look at someone like Amy Winehouse, Ashley Simpson and all those others who were "So popular and changed the face of music," It's bullshit. I was telling my younger cousin that Gaga is this generation's Amy Whinehouse, she said "Who's that" I said.... exactly. People will forget about all these crap artist then move on to the next big thing once they're bored.
We can't fight it, the only thing we can do is listen to and continue to support artists who got famous for actual talent, revolutionizing music or being original.


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Bronze Member
First: You are comparing Gaga to Bieber??? Maybe some musical education would make you able to notice the difference. Bieber is an okay musician, but good performer (not great, just good), and pretty much a marketing platinum stroke.

Gaga is a fantastic musician, PLUS a very great self-marketing business woman.

Back on topic: For german viewers and others who could not get to see the clip via the youtube link in the original post:

Here is an alternative source:

It is a s catchy as herpes :1orglaugh
All those people are just lucky, Bieber got lucky, Black got lucky, Gaga, Kesha, etc got lucky. There's always going to be one crap artist that the world is infatuated with. Just look at someone like Amy Winehouse, Ashley Simpson and all those others who were "So popular and changed the face of music," It's bullshit. I was telling my younger cousin that Gaga is this generation's Amy Whinehouse, she said "Who's that" I said.... exactly. People will forget about all these crap artist then move on to the next big thing once they're bored.
We can't fight it, the only thing we can do is listen to and continue to support artists who got famous for actual talent, revolutionizing music or being original.

You may want to compare GaGa as this generations Madonna. Whinehouse was kind of a one hit wonder in the news because of her drug problems. GaGa is in the news because of her #1 hits and "controversial" music videos and public appearances. Kinda like Madonna.

Also, this song is really bad. A failed attempt to match Beiber's success with another infant.
Blame the writers if anyone. I'd say the video is aimed at an older audience but the lyrics are not so you end up with a hilarious mismatch, if someone under the age of 10 sang this and the video was completely different it wouldn't have received so much bad press. Then again this could all be some sort of diabolical scheme to get her name in the media, now everyone on youtube and facebook/twitter will be anticipating her next single which I'm pretty sure will be a hell of a lot better than this.

Just found this, she's made $100000s from this 'crap'

And she just got a record deal
I have a feeling she didn't even have to write lyrics for this. All she had to do was look at a calendar and then start singing about the days of the week


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Not really sure what the big deal is with the hatred for this song. Its just another disposable pop song aimed at kids, same thing has been going on for decades. :dunno:
Yep. Don't hate the kids, hate the industry for whoring them out.
First: You are comparing Gaga to Bieber??? Maybe some musical education would make you able to notice the difference. Bieber is an okay musician, but good performer (not great, just good), and pretty much a marketing platinum stroke.

Gaga is a fantastic musician, PLUS a very great self-marketing business woman.

Sorry Supadupa, but how in the hell can you say Gaga is a fantastic musician? She is a walking rip-off, attention whore that is only famous because a) She's manipulating the gay community and has somehow managed to fool all of them into beliving she actually gives a crap about them. b) She plays to a younger crowd who thinks her wierdness is oh so cool and hip, and she's her own person for doing it.... BULL, she pays someone to come up with these ideas then tries to upstage the REAL and deserving musicians by distracting from her sub par music by being weird and dressing in costumes.

I try to respect musicians as much as I can, I personally know how hard it is to write music and I've taken 2 music history and appreciation classes that have helped me appreciate any music I'm given. I can't respect Gaga at all, she rips off songs... "Alejandro" is basically Ace of Base's "Don't Turn Around", she rips off the flamboyance and stage presence of David Bowie, Elton, Cher, Marilyn Manson, and a whole list of others then she tries to make it seem like she came up with the whole idea of weirdness factor, lastly, she is the definition of a sellout.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I tried listening to it, but I only managed to make through exactly 3 seconds of it then my ears started to bleed and I turned it off.
All those people are just lucky, Bieber got lucky, Black got lucky, Gaga, Kesha, etc got lucky. There's always going to be one crap artist that the world is infatuated with. Just look at someone like Amy Winehouse, Ashley Simpson and all those others who were "So popular and changed the face of music," It's bullshit. I was telling my younger cousin that Gaga is this generation's Amy Whinehouse, she said "Who's that" I said.... exactly. People will forget about all these crap artist then move on to the next big thing once they're bored.
We can't fight it, the only thing we can do is listen to and continue to support artists who got famous for actual talent, revolutionizing music or being original.

I agree with everything you said except for Winehouse, I've heard her sing live and she is actually insanely talented. She's also been a musician since she was a young girl and has earned her way up.
Sorry Supadupa, but how in the hell can you say Gaga is a fantastic musician? She is a walking rip-off, attention whore that is only famous because a) She's manipulating the gay community and has somehow managed to fool all of them into beliving she actually gives a crap about them. b) She plays to a younger crowd who thinks her wierdness is oh so cool and hip, and she's her own person for doing it.... BULL, she pays someone to come up with these ideas then tries to upstage the REAL and deserving musicians by distracting from her sub par music by being weird and dressing in costumes.

I try to respect musicians as much as I can, I personally know how hard it is to write music and I've taken 2 music history and appreciation classes that have helped me appreciate any music I'm given. I can't respect Gaga at all, she rips off songs... "Alejandro" is basically Ace of Base's "Don't Turn Around", she rips off the flamboyance and stage presence of David Bowie, Elton, Cher, Marilyn Manson, and a whole list of others then she tries to make it seem like she came up with the whole idea of weirdness factor, lastly, she is the definition of a sellout.
That would tie in with the whole good businesswoman thing, she's made a niche for herself. We've seem members of Boyzone, Westlife and NSYNC that were gay but disguised it to keep the female fanbase, many musicians say they're single when they're not so that fans get deluded into thinking they are attainable, Marilyn Manson is probably nowhere near as shocking as he appears to be but the controversy serves him well, Britney Spears kept her innocent schoolgirl image going for years and got the popular family vote but now we see she's nothing of the sort. Musicians realise that their musical talent alone will not be enough to impress fickle audiences so they work on other areas to build up a fanbase and in an already crowded market you need to appear different to stand out. Even Slipknot used their anonymity to get them noticed, now they are popular they have no reservations about appearing in other groups without masks.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
This song helped me figure out which days of the week I should go to work.