Re: The world's most shocking/sick album covers (WARNING: viewer discretion is advise
Well, this one to me is deifinitely the most shocking, sickest of them all. At first glance it doesn't seem like it, but this is actually human depravity in its blackest form.
The cover right here shows the tombstone of Sandro Beyer's grave, and this is what the band put on the inside of the tape cover: "
The cover shows the grave of Sandro B. murdered by horde ABSURD on 29.04.93 AB"
In German criminal history this murder is called "Mordfall Sondershausen" and on April 29th, 1993, three lads (Hendrik Möbus, Sebastian Schauseil, Andreas Richter) lured 15 year old Sandro Beyer to a memorial place outside of Thuringian town Sondershausen. They went then to a nearby cabin in the woods which belonged to Hendrik Möbus's parents where the three of them tied Sandro Beyer to a whipping chair and later choked him to death with an electric cable.
Both Möbus and Schauseil were sentenced to eight years in prison, Kirchner's sentence was six years. Contrary to the DA's request that they were put in different prisons the judge ruled they will be held at Erfurt penitentiary. There they could continue with their band which was at that time called IN KETTEN (= in chains).
During the process no clear motive could be established but it is since believed that Sandro Beyer wanted to be friends with Möbus, Schauseil and Kirchner, and he obviously wanted to be a member of ABSURD, but they wouldn't have that. It was later discovered that Möbus made the following statement in the school magazine after explaining that Beyer wasn't one of them: "So heed my words and maybe you shall live a little longer. Maybe."
Four years later they were released on probation, and while two of them seemed to have changed, Möbus broke his probation during an ABSURD concert where he showed the Hitler salute and called Sandro Beyer a "Volksschädling" (= people's pest/vermin). So he flew to the States where he hid for a couple months with William Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, but the US Marshal's service got a hold of him and sent him back to Germany where he was sentenced again. He was released in 2007.