Sydney Moon's popularity ... and others, not-so-popularity ...
As always,
this thread is a half-satire, but also half-"core sample" of the "versus" polls. I tried to take a sample of the top 6 women that various men (and the rare woman) had talked about "having to have" in a sexual way and list them. Not just to compare those 6 against each other, but to also include
another 4 "Other" options in an effort to see how those 6 stacked up against "other" favorites not listed. In fact, I believed (and continue to believe), that the 4 Others will get 60-70% of the vote, and the 6 Named women will only get 30-40%, in the end.
As far as addressing the "distractions" of various posters in this thread, since I meant this to be a "half-satire," I consider it on-topic. If people want to whine or complain about my decision to post this thread, so be it. The floor is open to anyone, whether people think they are "distractors" or being "too anal" or those who might even have a problem with just me, oh well, it goes with the post. So feel free to comment seriously, half-seriously or even "tear my head off" with however you feel. I already got upset in one of my responses, but I'm over it -- because I'm starting to realize that getting upset is just what drives some people, so there's no sense feeding their need.
With all that said, I did a bit of reading through and noticed that
Sydney Moon had quite a bit of popularity that hasn't been addressed in other threads/polls. I'm glad to see her getting a number of votes to prove this true, and a good call in including her.
The one that is really surprising me is
Shay Laren. She seemed to jump to everyone's favorite once she came out, but is she not getting votes because A) people are now "over" her "newness," B) many people still don't know of her or C) she was never destined to be as popular as others?
Gianna Michaels hasn't gotten any votes either. I paced back and forth on whether to add her, or go with a traditional brunette like
Aria Giovanni. In reading Aria's thread, I got the feeling more loved her for her glamour than wanting to bend her over a desk. And although I'm sure there are a significant number that still want to bend her over a desk, the commentary over in
Gianna Michael's thread were clearly filled with men lusting over the "capability" of her attributes.
So I can only surmise either Gianna is not as popular as I thought she was, or men who like Gianna don't visit these "versus" threads very often. Maybe that's because they go after more "glamour women." Don't know. But with only 10 options -- 4 of which I used for "Other" -- I had to limit it to 6. I might follow-up with a refined poll in a month or two. Or maybe I'll just let this one stand forever -- especially since it's an open-ended poll with no end date, and has those "Other" votes anyone can pick.
Thanx for all that commented! Feel free to continue, in whatever capacity you feel necessary. I'm not going to advertise this poll in any other thread, but let it spread by "word of mouth." Be it by and to serious folk, or those who think "hey, Prof V hit it 'on the nose,' we've had too many 'versus' threads and I think we should 'sound off' in this thread."
Maybe I should have not included Shay and, instead, had a 5th "Other" option:
- Other, any woman who isn't listed in these stupid "versus" polls